zephyr – the work done so far

zephyr is now a complete ajax based framework for php5. you will find it extremely small, fast and ofcourse really easy to learn and implement. i am very happy with the things i have done so far. last couple of days i have seperated the package layer so that you can easily manage your packages and deploy them in zephyr. also last night i have made the framework search engine optimized. you know basically ajax applications are not search engine friendly unless they are explicitely taken care off. thats why zephyr now supports a “permalink” to each and every action with custom action parameters. its so easy to make the permalink. now you can make SEO applications easily with zephyr.

so far i have used adoDB as the default DAL for zephyr. but i am planning to implement creole to test the performance. another cool thing you may find in zephyr is that you can use smarty as ur default templating engine. if you want anything else, sorry guys, i think you have to implement that urself. i keep a wraper over the template engine so that wont seem a big problem to you.

i would also test if i can use anything else instead of CPAINT. actually i am trying to eliminate the redundancy and code blocks which may degrade the performance of zephyr.