Tag: street

This week in photography

শরৎ চৌধুরী (Sharat Chowdhury)

People, people, people – portraits, portraits and portraits. I love to shot people, close-up, happy face. I shot them in candid or while starring at me. The shot you are seeing above is taken with a Canon EOS 550D and Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR LD Aspherical lens. I love this lens, not only because it’s extremely sharp but also because it’s fast. It has f value 2.8 all through and that really helps in low light situation. I fired a Speedlite 580Ex II flash bounced on the roof with a diffuser. I was close enough to make the background disappear completely behind the person in this picture.

Here is another shot I took this evening, a running toddler. Nothing is tougher than capturing a 14-18 months toddler. They move a lot 🙂

Portrait of a Toddler

I mainly shot at night, outdoor and on the street because after my fulltime job, I get some free time during those hours. Most of the time I carry a flash with me, or at least a fast 50mm (f/1.4) with me to take shots easily. And hell yeah, I love to shot distant lights in bokeh – I love Bokeh, a lot. And light fittings are one of my primary interest to shot during night. 🙂



All the shots above were taken with Canon EOS 550d and my favorite Tamron lens, SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 . You can check more in my Flickr stream by clicking on any of these pictures. I would love to see your comment and some
of your beautiful night shots.