One month passed in I2we, a Berkeley based social networking firm. Here is my team. and I am proud to be a part of it

Standing in back, Sean, Karel and Huey
Jessica and Bemi are in sitting in front
One month passed in I2we, a Berkeley based social networking firm. Here is my team. and I am proud to be a part of it
Standing in back, Sean, Karel and Huey
Jessica and Bemi are in sitting in front
whoops!! it is 11 AM
trying to restore apache2 when it was corrupted after a system update last evening
grrrrrrrrrrr – what the hell!! – mod-php5 is not working at all!
…whoops its 5PM
raju came with his new laptop, failed to setup his EST-610U EDGE card on Ubuntu, Modprobe was not working with even a vendor and a product id
its 6PM – went to north tower and had some mango juice
around 6:30 PM, ahsan and anupom came and gave me a copy of their new book, CakePHP
7:30 manzil, junal, ahsan and anupom came and we enjoyed the movie “Death Sentence” together
10 PM, I went to Omi Azad‘s apartment with Ayesha and Afif – had two scoops of icecream…. yummy!!
11PM – came to home and start setting up xampp – found that xampp is set to use it’s own mysql socket instead of the system default. so edited the bundled php.ini and set the following line to use my previous mysql installation properly
mysql.default_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
sometime later 11PM, xampp is now working, setup postgreSQL addon and mod_python. the python addon was not working becoz of the version conflict of So I’ve installed “libapache2-mod-python” and copied the /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ to /opt/lampp/modules/ folder – python is now working
around 12, Ayesha and I had our dinner.
1AM to 3AM, playing with GPG and setup a new key pair. My new public key is 2FD0F9E9
3:08AM – wrote this blog post and preparing to sleep. must be a busy day tomorrow!