Tag: hardy heron

Running on Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Last night I’d migrated from gutsy to the latest release of ubuntu series, Hardy Heron. At a glance it looks really nice to me. Here is a comprehensive list of pros and cons that I’d encountered

* Clear look with new Human theme
* More support for drivers, it has detected my dell BCM 4328 card automatically
* It has detected appropriate and maximum screen resolution for my laptop automatically which I had to do in gutsy by installing proprietary xorg fglrx driver. But I installed fglrx driver to use the maximum 3D output from my ATI Radeon 1400. I can also use compiz fusion now.
* Blazing fast, really!
* Integration of Wubi (Well, ubuntu is my primary OS and I have only one OS in my machine, but it is very good for those who want to give it a try from windows)

* so far there is only one con and that is it comes with Firefox 3 beta 5. I really dont like this version of firefox caus all my favorite extensions breaks in it.

So in overall I am very happy to using the new ubuntu Hardy Heron. Give it a try.