Limit number of posts an user can create in WordPress admin panel

If you, by any chance, want to limit the number of posts an user can create in your multi author WordPress blog, there is a nice way to do it. Add the following code in your theme’s functions.php file

[sourcecode language=”php”]
function limit_user_by_post_count(){
$user = get_current_user_id();
if (!current_user_can( ‘manage_options’)) {
//not an admin – so impose the limit
$user_post_count = count_user_posts($user);
header("Location: /wp-admin/edit.php");

In this example, if the user has 10 posts he/she can not create a new post anymore. Every time he clicks on the “New Post” menu, he will be redirected to “All Posts” page. But the “admin” will not be limited at all 🙂

Sweet, eh?

Running Symfony 2 Applications in OpenShift

Openshift is a fantastic Polyglot PaaS from Redhat, and you can do a lot of things with these containers. The good news is that with free accounts, OpenShift gives three gears for free, forever. Today, in this article I will show you how to install and run your Symfony applications in OpenShift.

After you have created your free account in OpenShift, go to the applications page and create a new “Zend Server 5.6” application. You can choose “PHP 5.3” containers as well, but there are many benefits of choosing ZendServer.

Before we dive into the details, please MAKE SURE that you have added your public key in your openshift settings section. This is very important that you do this.

So after creating the new ZendServer 5.6 application and adding our public key in our OpenShift account, this is time to check out from our application’s git repository. OpenShift gives you a private git repository for every application and you can find the url in the right side of your application details.

Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 8.15.05 PM

Now, follow these steps to check out this git repository and create a blank symfony application inside it’s php directory. You should have composer installed in your machine before this step.

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
git clone ssh://[email protected]/~/git/sym.git/
cd sym/php
rm -fr *.php
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition ./

After it runs, you have a blank symfony project installed inside this php directory. Now you need to add these files and commit in the git repository

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
git add -A
git commit -am "Blank Symfony Project"
git push

OpenShift has an auto deployment feature which will deploy your application code after you push it in the git repo. It makes the deployment a lot easier for everyone.

Now you can visit your openshift container’s url but hey, why there is a blank screen? To find the answer of this question you need to open the .gitignore file. By default it’s content is like this

[sourcecode language=”shell”]

Notice those lines “/app/config/parameters.yml” and “/vendor/”? These lines mean that parameters.yml file and everything in the vendor folder will be excluded from your commit. For now, just remove the line where it says about parameters.yml and keep the vendor line as is. So your final .gitignore file will look like this

[sourcecode language=”shell”]

Now come to the root of your openshift repo and give this commands in the terminal

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
git add -A
git commit -am "Parameters.yml"
git push

Now we need to setup the database details. To get those credentials, you need to log into your openshift gear. You can find the ssh login details in the right side of your app settings. In the following screenshot, you can get the mysql details (username and password) and ssh login details from the right side “Remote Access” section. Just click on the “Show Password” and “Want to login” links.

Screen Shot 2013-10-25 at 11.24.32 AM

After you get the Remote Access , log into your openshift gear from your terminal. Once you are logged in, type the following commands in the terminal.

Screen Shot 2013-10-25 at 11.29.17 AM

Copy the values of mysql db host and port. Now we have all the data for our symfony app. Open your parameters.yml file and put all the essential data. For my one, it looks like this

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
database_driver: pdo_mysql
database_port: 3306
database_name: symfony
database_user: MuHaHaHa
database_password: "4s89-vh55G6q"
mailer_transport: smtp
mailer_user: null
mailer_password: null
locale: en
secret: WhateverYouLikeTo

Now commit this file and push

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
git commit -am "Parameters"
git push

At this point, we need to write a deploy hook which will do the following things everytime you push your code.

  • It checks if composer is installed in our openshift gear. If not, it installs it
  • It then go to $OPENSHIFT_REOP_DIR/php folder and run composer install command
  • Then it gives write permission to app/cache and app/logs folder

Open your openshift repo, go to the .openshift folder, then go to the action_hooks folder and create a new file named deploy. Inside that file, put the following content

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
# .openshift/action_hooks/deploy


if [ ! -f "$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/composer.phar" ]; then
curl -s | /usr/local/zend/bin/php — –install-dir=$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
/usr/local/zend/bin/php $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/composer.phar self-update

unset GIT_DIR
/usr/local/zend/bin/php $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/composer.phar install

chmod -R 0777 $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/php/app/cache
chmod -R 0777 $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/php/app/logs

As a sidenote, if you are using regular PHP 5.3 containers instead of ZendServer 5.6, then replace “/usr/local/zend/bin/php” with “/usr/bin/php” in the deploy script above.

Save this file and give it executable permission by following command from your terminal

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
chmod +x deploy

Now come to the root of your openshift repo and commit this deploy file. OpenShift supports different git hooks and you can check out to know more about those.

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
git add -A
git commit -am "Deploy Hook"
git push

You will notice some magical things happening at this point. After you push, you will notice in your terminal that composer is being installed in your openshift gear, and then it runs the composer install in appropriate directory.

Now visit your optnshift url (url/web/app_dev.php). Strange! now it is showing a strange error that we don’t have access to this app_dev.php. To fix this, open our app_dev.php (openshift repo/php/web/app_dev.php) and comment out line #12 to #18, I mean comment the following lines in your app_dev.php.

[sourcecode language=”php”]
if (isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’])
|| !in_array(@$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’], array(‘’, ‘fe80::1’, ‘::1’))
) {
header(‘HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden’);
exit(‘You are not allowed to access this file. Check ‘.basename(__FILE__).’ for more information.’);

Sweet, now visit your openshift gear’s url (url/web/app_dev.php) and you can see that symfony is running smoothly :). But wait a minute – the URL contains the “web” part which looks ugly. All openshift PHP gear’s document root is set to $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/php folder, which is in this case the root of our symfony application. But we don’t want this “web” in the URL. To do that, just create a .htaccess file in the “php” directory in our local openshift repo and put the following content

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^your-openshift-domain$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !web/
RewriteRule (.*) /web/$1 [L]

And we are done, visit your openshift URL (url/app_dev.php) and it will working like a charm. So what if we want to set this app_dev.php as the default endpoint for our application? which means that we don’t even need to put “app-dev.php” in our url. To do that, open the .htaccess file from your “web” folder and replace all instance or “app.php” and “app\.php” to “app_dev.php” and “app_dev\.php” respectively. Then save your repo and make a git push and you are done! Tada!!!!

Hope you’ve enjoyed this long article. 🙂

Followup: I have automated the whole process and created a boilerplate Symfony 2.3.0 repository. Now you can get up and running in just one minute. Check out

Shameless Plug
Did you check our latest Onepage parallax portfolio template in Themeforest?

Playing with API

Screen Shot 2013-10-23 at 9.29.51 PM

I’ve started using API not more than a week ago, and I already fall in love with it. The first thing that hit me was “whoa, no extra work for storing objects in my database” and that’s really it. Saving data was never easier.’s javascript API, the documentation is very good and it will help you to start your project in no time. Beside diving into the details, let me highlight another cool feature of API. It’s the user management. Sign up someone, or let someone sign in, validate their email? Everything is there!

’nuff said, how to start?
Go to, register a new application and copy the application key and javascript key.

Now open your html file, add the’s js library
[sourcecode language=”html”]
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

and now initialize your application
[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
Parse.initialize("Application ID", "Javascript Key");

That’s it. Now you are ready to play with the rest of this article.

Sign me up, pronto!
One of the most tedious, boring work while developing an application is to deal with registration, email validation, ACL and taking care of the signing in process. With API this is pretty straight forward. To sign up a new new user, all you gotta do is the following one!

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var user = new Parse.User();
user.set("username", "ElMacho");
user.set("password", "chicken");
user.set("email", "[email protected]");

user.signUp(null, {
success: function(user) {
// Everything’s done!
error: function(user, error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

Your user is signed up! If you need to validate user’s email then log into your dashboard and from your application’s settings section turn on the email validation. It’s simple.

Alright, let me in!
Alright, your users have signed up .Now let them get in. It’s simple to write a sign in script with Parse API

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
Parse.User.logIn("ElMacho", "chicken", {
success: function(user) {
error: function(user, error) {
console.log("you shall not pass!");

But hey, does an user have to login everytime? No, not at all. The logged in user’s state is saved in browser. So before attempting to sign in him/her again, you can check if he is already logged-in.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var loggedInUser = Parse.User.current();
//off you go, perform a log in
} else {

easy, eh?

Interesting, how can I deal with data?
Okay, enough with signing up and signing in. Lets save some data. Say, for example, we want to store user’s favorite books in’s datastore. We will also retrieve the list later.

To save some data in, we need to write code like this
[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var user = Parse.User.current();
var Book = Parse.Object.extend("favoritebooks");
var b1 = new Book({"name":"King Solomon’s Mine","user":user});;

var b2 = new Book({"name":"Return of She","user":user});;

While saving an object you can also take care of the error or success state.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var b1 = new Book({"name":"King Solomon’s Mine","user":user});, {
console.log("successfully saved")


You can save as many Books/data as you want, and link them up with the current user. Linking like this is useful for retrieving them in future. As we have a few saved records, lets pull them and see if they are really saved.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var Book = Parse.Object.extend("favoritebooks");
var q = new Parse.Query(Book);
success: function(results){
for(i in results){
var book = results[i];

Once it runs, you can see that it outputs currently logged in user’s favorite books. Pretty neat, eh?

like equalTo, there are a dozen of useful constraints which you can use with your query. You can get the complete list at .’s documentation is pretty solid, and you will find almost everything over there.

It’s dinner time, log me out!
Simple, just call Parse.User.logOut() and you are done!

So is it just about user management and saving data?
No!, not at all!. But saving data and managing credentials + ACL are one of the coolest features that you can do with API. Beside these object storage, you can host your application (ExpressJS based), you can run your code in the cloud (Background Job, Cloud Code), take care of the push notifications and even upload and store binary files.

In overall,’s API is super cool. Give it a try today, you will love it for sure. And by the way, there is a super handy data browser in your application dashboard, use that!

Launching of WPonFIRE, the premier managed WordPress hosting for everyone


Today me and my partner Patrick have launched WPonFIRE, our WordPress based startup. If you are struggling with the performance of your wordpress blog, or spending too much because of some vague pageview based pricing model of your current provider – you may want to host with us. We will host your wordpress blog in a managed, fine tuned, Nginx based environment. We will be monitoring for the spikes, and honestly, there will always be someone listening to your emails, chitchats and try our best to satisfy the requirement.

At this moment, our plans are starting at $19/mo and the highest one is $99/mo. And if you choose yearly plans, we will be generous to give you 2 months for free.

WPonFIRE boxes are properly stress tested, because we really want to make sure that you will get premium return for your every penny, and your viewers will never be disappointed. If you want to integrate your blog with CDN, we can help you with that too. And guess what, based on your current setup you may even qualify for a free migration service. And migration services are usually expensive elsewhere, may cost you up to $500!

Anyway, to supercharge your WordPress blog please give us a shot. You will not be disappointed, promise!

Manipulating browser URL using Javascript without refreshing the page

In modern browsers, one of the most interesting feature is that you can change the browser url without refreshing the page. During this process you can store the state of the history so that you can pull the necessary data when someone hits the back-button in the browser and then take necessary action based on that. It’s not as complicated as it may sound now. Let’s write some code to see how it works.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var stateObject = {};
var title = "Wow Title";
var newUrl = "/my/awesome/url";

History objects pushState() method takes three parameter as you can see in the above example. First one, a json object, is very important. Because this is where you will be storing arbitrary data related to the current url. Second parameter will be the title of the document, and third one is the new url. You will see your browser’s address bar is updated with the new url, but the page was not refreshed 🙂

Let’s see another example where we will be storing some arbitrary data against each url.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var stateObject = {id: i};
var title = "Wow Title "+i;
var newUrl = "/my/awesome/url/"+i;

Now run and hit the browser back button to see how the url is being changed. For each time the url is changed, it is storing a history state object with the value “id”. But how can retrieve the history state and do something based on that. We need to add an event listener for “popstate” event which is fired everytime the history object’s state is changed.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
var stateObject = {id: i};
var title = "Wow Title "+i;
var newUrl = "/my/awesome/url/"+i;

window.addEventListener(‘popstate’, function(event) {

function readState(data){

Now you can see whenever you hit the back button, a “popstate” event is fired. Our event listener then retrieves the history state object which was associated with that url and prompt the value of “id”.

It’s easy and pretty interesting, eh?

problems uploading large files in php5-fpm and nginx – and solution to that

Today I had encountered a strange error while importing a 10MB XML file in a low end vps, where nginx was configured with php5-fpm and was working pretty nicely. But then, whenever I tried to import that file, after 25% upload the connection drops and page goes blank. It was strange and drove me nuts for some time. I definitely re checked my php.ini settings and everything was fine there, upload_max_filesize was set to 20M and post_max_size was set to 32M. So it was good and definitely not causing any problem. Then I was thinking that something was wrong with nginx config, specially because the connection was dropped in the middle. And guess what, I was actually right 🙂

So I edited the nginx.conf file and added the following values. I actually tried with just “client_max_body_size” but it was not the cause alone. So client_body_timeout fixed it together 🙂

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
client_max_body_size 100m;
client_body_timeout 600s;

After restarting nginx, everything went just perfectly 🙂

এসো নিজে করি – ডেবিয়ানে এঞ্জিনএক্স ইনস্টলেশন এবং কনফিগারেশন

Nginx বা এঞ্জিনএক্স হল রাশিয়ান ডেভেলপার ইগর ভ্লাদিমির সিসোয়েভের তৈরী করা একটি লাইটওয়েট ওয়েব সার্ভার। স্ট্যাটিক ফাইল সার্ভ করার ক্ষেত্রে অসাধারণ পারফর্ম্যান্সের কারনে এঞ্জিনএক্স বিশ্বব্যাপী ব্যাপক জনপ্রিয়। এছাড়া ফাস্টসিজিআই ব্যবহার করে এঞ্জিনএক্স কে যেকোন সার্ভার সাইড ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজের সাথে ব্যবহার করা যায়। এই আর্টিকেলে আমরা দেখব কিভাবে ডেবিয়ান অপারেটিং সিস্টেমে আমরা এঞ্জিনএক্স ইনস্টল এবং কনফিগার করতে পারি। পরবর্তী আর্টিকেলে আমরা ফাস্টসিজিআই প্রটোকলের সাহায্যে এঞ্জিনএক্সের মাধ্যমে পিএইচপি ফাইল সার্ভ করা শিখব 🙂

এঞ্জিনএক্স ইনস্টল করা

প্রথমেই যেটা করতে হবে সেটা হল এপিটি প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজার লেটেস্ট রিপো ইনফরমেশন দিয়ে আপডেট করা। এটা আমরা কমবেশী সবাই জানি কিভাবে করতে হয়। আপনার সার্ভারের টার্মিনালে নিচের কমান্ড দিন। আপনি রুট ইউজার হিসেবে লগইন না করলে না করলে এবং সুডুয়ার্স লিস্টে আপনার ইউজার অ্যাড করা থাকলে কমান্ডের আগে sudo ব্যবহার করতে হবে 🙂

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
apt-get update

এবার আমরা নিচের কমান্ড দিয়ে এঞ্জিনএক্স ইনস্টল করব। কমান্ড দেয়ার কিছুক্ষনের মাঝেই দেখতে পাবেন এঞ্জিনএক্স ইনস্টল হয়ে গেছে

[sourcecode language=”shell”]
apt-get install nginx

ইনস্টল হয়ে গেলে চলুন এঞ্জিনএক্স কে স্টার্ট করি নিচের কমান্ড দিয়ে। যদি এঞ্জিনএক্স চালু হতে ব্যর্থ হয়, বা আগে থেকে অ্যাপাচি সার্ভার চালু থাকে তবে আগে অ্যাপাচিকে অফ করে নিন

Caching Ajax requests in WordPress

In modern WordPress themes, theme developers are serving the page requests via ajax. Both paginated blog page and single posts (might be in full or partial) are served. Though WordPress is very fast if properly tuned, but it’s meaningless to pull the same data from WordPress database again and again unless there is any change. Which means, you can safely cache such ajax requests and reduce loads on your database by adding a few lines of extra code in your theme’s functions.php. In this article, we will learn how to take advantage of such caching in WordPress

Step 1: Register Ajax callback for serving paginated blog pages
Here is a typical codeblock that can serve paginated blog pages via ajax. There is no caching yet
[sourcecode language=”php”]
add_action("wp_ajax_blog", "get_blog");
add_action("wp_ajax_nopriv_blog", "get_blog");

function get_blog(){
global $post;
$page = $_REQUEST[‘page’];
if(!$page) $page=1;
$pp = get_option("posts_per_page");
$offset = ($page*1-1)*$pp;
$args = array(
$posts = get_posts($args); //get the posts
foreach($posts as $post){
setup_postdata( $post );

Now if you go to the url “http://your_blog_url/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?page=1 ” you can see the latest posts, change the page value to 2,3,4 and so on to see previous posts. Each posts in the loop are rendered via get_templates(). Please note how we used the get_post_format() function in the loop to serve different templates based on post formats.

So what is bad in this code? Nothing, yet Everything! If 100 users are visiting your blog and they are visiting blog pages, each and every time these posts are pulled from database. Each and everytime they are pulling the very same data until you had edited any post, or created a new post. So why this extra load should go to DB? lets minimize it 🙂

Step 2: Add caching layer
here is a revised format of the code block above, but now with caching.
[sourcecode language=”php”]
add_action("wp_ajax_blog", "get_blog");
add_action("wp_ajax_nopriv_blog", "get_blog");

function get_blog(){
global $post;
$page = $_REQUEST[‘page’];
if(!$page) $page=1;

/** supply from cache **/
$page_from_cache = get_option( "artpress_page{$page}", 0 );
/** cache end **/

$pp = get_option("posts_per_page");
$offset = ($page*1-1)*$pp;
$args = array(

$posts = get_posts($args);

foreach($posts as $post){
setup_postdata( $post );
$new_cache = ob_get_flush();

/** save the cache **/
update_option( "artpress_page{$page}",$new_cache);
/** end cache **/

In the code above, we first checked the page number. Then, checked in the wordpress options table if there is a cache present with a key named “artpress_page”. Now, for the first time it wont be there. So we just pull the records from the database as usually and then using the output buffering functions we capture the output, instead of pushing instantly to the browser. And then we update the options table with this output. So next time when same page will be requested, database wont be hit. Ok, database will be hit (this options table data is coming from the db) but you can see it wont touch the posts table again, and avoid running expensive queries (which includes many joins) in that table. It also saves CPU a bit.

Step 3: Invalidate cache whenever a post is edited, or created
This is an important step. We need to flush the cache whenever a new post or page is created to make sure our blog shows the up to date data.

[sourcecode language=”php”]
function invalidate_cache(){
$counts = wp_count_posts();
$total_published_posts = $counts->publish;
$posts_per_page = get_option( "posts_per_page");
$total_page = ceil($total_published_posts/$posts_per_page);
delete_option( "artpress_page{$i}" );

Now, we are in good shape. Our ajax requests are served from cache and properly purges whenever necessary. You can serve your single post same way.

If you want to serve single posts from the cache, one thing you need to keep in mind is that you are loading up an important table “options” with a lot of data. So you can change the code above and store the cache in filesystem instead of options table. You should have write permission in the uploads directory by default. So that wont be tough at all.

I hope you enjoyed this article 🙂

Displaying comments template when serving a single post via ajax in wordpress

I ran into this issue this morning, the comment form wasn’t showing up. I was using a custom comment template and I thought that there might be some issue with the custom template. So I tried with default template but the result was same. After googling for a while, I’ve found the workaround. Here is the solution for you

[sourcecode language=”php”]
add_action("wp_ajax_single", "get_single");
add_action("wp_ajax_nopriv_single", "get_single");

function get_single(){
error_reporting(0); //see later to understand why it is here
global $post;
$post_id = $_REQUEST[‘id’];
$post = get_post( $post_id);
setup_postdata( $post );
get_template_part( "templates/single");

The code above registers an ajax callback for accepting GET/POST calls at “/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=single&id=” and display the single post using the template file located at “templates/single.php” in your current theme.

Now, in the “templates/single.php” you must include the following code-block at the top to make sure the comments_template() function work

[sourcecode language=”php”]
global $withcomments;
$withcomments = true;

Anyway, it was also mentioned in the codex like this, but I was confused as I thought it was actually inside the “single display” at first 🙂

Loads the comment template. For use in single Post and Page displays. Will not work outside of single displays unless $withcomments is set to 1.

By the way, that error_reporting(0) line is there to suppress a deprecated notice which says that your theme is missing “comments.php” even if it’s there.

Hope you enjoy this article

Saving a HUGE bandwidth cost in WordPress by automatically serving media contents from

The title almost says it all. Our mission is to save the bandwidth cost (and ensure better deliverability) by leveraging the power of headless installation of client in Linux, and then integrating it into WordPress. The integration must work seamlessly so that the viewers don’t see a difference, and at the same time you don’t have to put any extra effort. Beside saving bandwidth, this also reduces extra load from your web server. There’s another surprise which I will tell you later. For now, keep reading 🙂

You need at least a VPS to make this setup working, preferably with root access. These days VPSes are cheap. You can purchase an 128MB VPS for ~14/yr from Ramnode (such a fantastic provider) or may be for ~19/yr from WeLoveServers. Or feel free to use your existing VPSes if you have one.

Step 1: Headless installation of app
You can use your existing or register a new one using my referral code, you and I both will be getting an extra 5GB if you do so.

Now log into your linux box via SSH, you need to have root privilege to complete this step.