RackSpace Cloud Server Client Library for PHP

We, the developers at Leevio are currently developing an open source group collaboration application. We are using RackSpace Cloud servers since the very beginning of the development and we will also deploy in on rack space cloud.

As a part of our study we’d found that RackSpace provides excellent API to manage your cloud services. Unfortunately there are no language binding library released yet (for Cloud Server). But they’ve mentioned that they are developing one for python.

So we have spend our time for last two days and developed a PHP client library to use RackSpace cloud server API from inside a PHP application.

This client library is released under New BSD license. And is available to download/svn-checkout from it’s project page at http://code.google.com/p/phprackcloud/

There is plenty of documentation and example included. The code is mostly self explanatory. Please dont forget to check the Wiki page to get some idea on how to use this library and how far you can go. We have covered all available methods by RackSpace cloud server in our client library.

Happy clouding.

Project Page and Download: http://code.google.com/p/phprackcloud

Using iPaper API to convert office documents to flash movie on the fly :)

Embedding documents in web applications is a challenging work. Because you need to convert these documents into flash movie and only then you can embed them in your web applications. There are many converters available out their for use. Some of them are proprietary, Some of them comes for free. There are command line tools as well as web services also to perform these conversions and make your life easier. In this post I am going to introduce you to IPaper, an excellent service from Scribd. Using IPaper API you can upload and convert your documents to flash movie on the fly, and then you can embed them using Scribd’s excellent document viewer. Scribd offers a collection of client libraries and fortunately, we have a PHP lib in that collection.

Scribd API can convert numbers of document types including the followings

* Adobe PDF (.pdf)
* Adobe PostScript (.ps)
* Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
* Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pps, .pptx)
* Microsoft Excel (.xls, xlsx)
* OpenOffice Text Document (.odt, .sxw)
* OpenOffice Presentation Document (.odp, .sxi)
* OpenOffice Spreadsheet (.ods, .sxc)
* All OpenDocument formats
* Plain text (.txt)
* Rich text format (.rtf)

To use IPaper API, you need to create a developer account in ScribD and get your API key and secret key. Also, download the PHP client library from http://www.scribd.com/developers/libraries

You are ready to go once you get your Scribd api key and secret key. You can upload different types of files to scribd server and of course you can make them private or publicly accessible. After successful upload and conversion you will receive a doc_id and access_key from Scribd web service. Using those data you can embed your document in your web app. Lets have a look. In the following code examples, you may find the getEmbedUrl() and getEmbedCode() functions handy. You can also use SWFObject for quick embedding 🙂

[sourcecode lang=”php”]

$UpdloadData = createIPaper("gpl.pdf","pdf","public");
$EmbedUrl = getEmbedUrl($UpdloadData);
echo $EmbedUrl;
$EmbedCode = getEmbedCode($UpdloadData);
echo $EmbedCode;

function createIPaper($File, $FileType, $Access="private")
$scribd_api_key = "<your API key>";
$scribd_secret = "<your Secret key>";

if (empty($FileType))
throw new Exception("Filetype cannot be empty");
$Scribd = new Scribd($scribd_api_key,$scribd_secret);

$UploadData = $Scribd->upload($File,$FileType,$Access,1);
return $UploadData;

function getEmbedUrl($UploadData)
$EmbedUrl = "http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id={$UploadData[‘doc_id’]}&access_key={$UploadData[‘access_key’]}&page=1&version=1&viewMode=list";
return $EmbedUrl;

function getEmbedCode($UploadData, $Width=450, $Height=500)
$EmbedCode = <<<EOD
<object codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0"
id="doc_512761847372423" name="doc_512761847372423"
width="{$Width}" >
<param name="movie" value="http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id={$UploadData[‘doc_id’]}&access_key={$UploadData[‘access_key’]}&page=1&version=1&viewMode=list">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="play" value="true">
<param name="loop" value="true">
<param name="scale" value="showall">
<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
<param name="devicefont" value="false">
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff">
<param name="menu" value="true">
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
<param name="salign" value="">
<param name="mode" value="list">
<embed src="http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id={$UploadData[‘doc_id’]}&access_key={$UploadData[‘access_key’]}&page=1&version=1&viewMode=list"
return $EmbedCode;

and here is how it will look after embedding
[scribd id=20736638 key=key-1dg5q0bof480cv4pjebo]

download the source code from here http://www.box.net/shared/5dav7hnkm9

By the way, IPaper PHP client library has some cool methods like uploadFromUrl() – Check them out )

Stay in touch, In next post I will show you how to use some other exciting tools which you can use and host in your own server :). that will be fun to host your own service like this 🙂

Thanks to Rana for helping me out with iPaper.

jQuery:hooking form submit and making it ajax request

modern javascript frameworks are big blessings to every front end developer. they made our life so much easier so that we can sleep more and become fat day by day 😀 – i am a big fan of jQuery and mootools.

in this post i am going to show you how you can hook a normal form submission process, regardless of it’s method GET or POST, and convert it into an ajax request. the whole process will work dynamically. it will parse form input elements, make a JSON array from them and make an ajax request to the appropriate action url. after that, it will invoke the user supplied callback function.

problem 1: parsing form elements was a small challenge. you can do it in various way (by traversing or serialize or using css selectors). i choose to use serializer routines. jQuery has builtin support for two types of serializing , one is $(form).serialize() and another is $(form).serializeArray(). lets have a look at the output of both of them for the following form

[sourcecode lang=”html”]
<form id="f1" action=’some target’ method=’POST’>
<input type ="textbox" id=’username’ name =’username’ value=’me’/>
<input type ="checkbox" value=1 id=’guests’ name =’guests’/>

now lets check the output by both serialize() and serializeArray() method

[sourcecode lang=”javascript”]
alert ($(‘#f1’).serialize());
//output is "username=me&guests=1"

//output is [{object},{object}]

are you scared seeing this [object] output of serializeArray()? well dont panic. serializeArray() returns a JSON structure. you can still investigate using toSource() method

[sourcecode lang=”javascript”]
//output is [{"username":"me"},{"guests":"1"}]

but that will not be usable to send in our AJAX request. we need a JSON array key/value pair (or you can use the output of serialize() function too to send as data in ajax request, the serilizeForm part is completely optional )

lets create a new function called serializeForm which will create JSON key/value pair out of serializeArray() and do the rest of the work.

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
$.fn.serializeForm = function()
data = {};
url = this.attr("action");
items = this.serializeArray();
return data;

now lets hook the normal submit process of the form using the following hook

[sourcecode lang=”javascript”]
function submitHook(form, callback)
items = {};
items = $(form).serializeForm();
url = $(form).attr("action");
alert("Cannot submit form. No action specified");
return false;
callback = callback?callback:function(){};
return false;

now you can just hook the form simply by this

[sourcecode lang=”javascript”]
ourCallback = function (data)


happy jQuerying 🙂

hosting source code and projects for free – compare the available options

when you work as an individual (or even a small team/company), it often requires you to host your project files, source code (using svn/git/mercurial) for free, discuss with people and definitely to use some issue trackers, task list managers. fortunately there are some cool options available out there. some of them comes for free with paid plans as well, some of them have no free plans. some comes with minimal but very essential features and some of them are feature bloated.

i am going to share my comment about some of these applications for you so that you can choose the best that fits for you. and btw, i’m mentioning only those which comes with free plans

spring loops1. springloops : this is my most favorite one. springloops comes with both free and paid plans. free plan is enough to manage a small team because they support unlimited peoples in each project. and even in free account in spring loops, you can create up to three active projects. so whenever you are done on any project – just close that project or suspend and open another one. springloops has excellent deployment support. and it can notify or invoke a callback url once after each commit. and that feature is very very useful if you want to take action after “post commit” (which is called a web hook).

and you can create numbers of accounts with under same email address.

pros: excellent source code browser, deployment, support for subversion, nice todo list, 100 MB of space to host your files and source code, integration with basecamp and unlimited number of peoples
cons: no issue tracker, no support for git

spring loops2. unfuddle : another neat and cool project hosting service which i’ve been using for a long time. unlike springloops unfuddle has also support for git, storage is even higher by 100 MB more. unfuddle has really cool bug tracker, wiki pages, todo list manager and built in support for iCal and rss feed. but the most frustrating thing with unfuddle free plan is that only 1 active project and 2 people is allowed. this is mainly one of the reasons why I am sticking with springloops. and unfuddle also has no support for managing deployments but i really find that a minor issue.

pros: support for both svn and git, 200 MB of storage, todo list, bug tracker, wiki pages and iCal+feed support.
cons: no support for managing deployment, only 1 active project and 2 people is supported in free plan.

spring loops3. beanstalk : beanstalk is another very cute looking subversion hosting solution. beanstalk free plan comes with 100 MB of storage space for hosting your source code, 3 active users ad only 1 repository. btw, beanstalk has web hook suport only for paid plans.

pros: nice interface, daily backup, email/rss notification and guest access, integration with many external project hosting and issue tracking solutions.
cons: only 1 repository, only 3 active people. deployment and web hook only for paid accounts 🙁

spring loops4. goplan : goplan has no support for version controlling and it is more like a project management solution, and it has a very nice interface. goplan supports 3 concurrent projects but 2 people (and i hate that) and 2 collaborators. it gives you 100 MB of storage space. goplan comes with excellent todo list manager, time tracker, discussion board, file versioning and activity stream.

pros: time tracking, discussion board, calendar, plain file storage, todo list
cons: no source code version control (i really wish they will add it)

spring loops5. huddle : huddle is another alternative of goplan (project hosting) with no support for version controlling. but huddle comes with some amazing features like free voice conferencing, whiteboard and editing documents online. huddle is feature rich but i really didn’t like their interface that much. whereas others are focusing on a small audience, huddle tried to be solution for everyone. but i still like the ones who are focusing on small audience, because it helps them to be niche. btw, huddle free plan comes with 1 GB of storage.

pros: task list manager, meeting, discussion, file sharing, online file editing, whiteboard, 1GB of storage space.
cons: no source code version control (i really wish they will add it), and “not so cool” interface

some other solutions you can check out xp-dev, bounty source, assembla (was one of my favorite when they had free plans) and projectlocker, github (free for only open source projects) sourceforge and the google code (sourceforge and google code are only for open source projects)

converting standard wordpress into a SQLite powered multi user blogging platform

wordpress is one of the very popular blogging platforms which is not only free but also released as a open source project. officially wordpress runs only on mysql. so if you want to run it with SQLite, you will not find any official support for that. but fortunately justin addie has written an excellent plugin (pdo for wordpress) which will work as an adapter just between the wordpress DAL and mysql. this plugin hooks all the SQL queries which are sent to execute on mysql by wordpress, convert those into PDO compatible statements and then execute them. currently PDO for WordPress is written to work smoothly with mysql and sqlite.

on the other hand, WPMU (wordpress mu or multi-user) is another version of wordpress which uses the core wp with some modifications and convert any single user wordpress blog into a multi user blogging platform. in this blog post i will show you how you can convert a general installation of wordpress into multi user blogging platform (like WPMU, but fully featured) and take advantage of SQLite 🙂 – so let the fun begin.

step 1: check if your domain support wildcard A record. if so, then create a “*” A record and point it to your server. if it works, now you can point http://.. to your server 🙂 – that is very much required. alo please check that in your webserver it has “pdo” and “pdo_sqlite” php extensions enabled. you can check that using phpinfo(); – needless to say, you need PHP5

step 2: install wordpress

step 3: install pdo for wordpress
download the pdo_for_wordpress plugin. inside it you will find one file named “db.php” and a folder named “pdo”.
put the db.php inside “wp-content” directory
now put the “pdo” folder inside “wp-content” directory

open wp-config.php
find the following line
[sourcecode lang=”php”]
define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

add the following line just below that line
[sourcecode lang=”php”]
define(‘DB_TYPE’, ‘sqlite’);

step 4: create a directory named “userdb” anywhere in your server, make sure to give it write access. in this example we’ve created one as /opt/userdb – DONT FORGET TO ASSIGN WRITE PERMISSION to this “userdb” directory.

step 5: now we will be modifying that “db.php” which we had copied into “wp-content” folder.

find the line in db.php where it says
[sourcecode lang=”php”]
define (‘FQDBDIR’, ABSPATH .’/wp-content/database/’);
define (‘FQDB’, FQDBDIR .’MyBlog.sqlite’);

now change those lines as below
[sourcecode lang=”php”]
define (‘FQDBDIR’, ‘/opt/userdb/’);
define (‘FQDB’, FQDBDIR ."{$_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]}.sqlite");

and tada – you are done. now point your browser to any subdomain under your domain and it will comeup with registration page. register some blog and check it out 🙂 (at the bottom of this post you can find the link of a live demo)

now you can extract some themes in the wp-content/themes folder or some plug-ins into wp-content/plugins folder. all users will be able to choose only from those pre installed themes and plugins, and everyones data and configuration will remain separate from others, as everyone is running from their own database. set only “read” access to “wp-content/themes” and “wp-content/plugins” folders to avoid any security loophole.

happy blogging.

[note – i’ve checked it against latest wordpress 2.8.4 and it runs okay]

To check out a live example of a running wordpress 2.8.4 on SQLite – click on http://anything.twistats.com/wp/ – and to create your own – just go to this url http://<any_subdomain>.twistats.com/wp and register your one :). You can select from six pre installed themes too 🙂

removing empty elements from an array, the php way :)

removing empty elements from array is most likely a very common task for everyday programming. different people work on it differently. some runs N times loop and some other tries by finding offset and then by unsetting that. let me show you some common approach of doing it and possibly the best way too :), needless to say, in a php way – most of the time such a microsecond does not matter, but well, its still good to find out the best solution 🙂

first of all, lets write a function which will create a random array with empty elements
[source lang=’php’]
function generateRandomArray($count=10000)
$array = range(0,($count-1));
for($i = 0;$i<1000;$i++)
$offset = mt_rand(0,$count);
$array[$offset] = “”;
return $array;

now lets see some different approaches to get it done.
probably most common approach
[source lang=’php’]
$array = generateRandomArray();
$len = count($array);
$start = microtime(true);
for ($i=0;$i< $len;$i++) { if(""==$array[$i]) unset($array[$i]); } $end = microtime(true); echo ($end-$start); [/source] you can see the output varies from 0.13-0.14 seconds for an array with 10000 elements in a 2.66 ghz core 2duo machine running mac osx 10.5.8 with 4GB ram. here is another better approach using array_diff() [source lang='php'] $array = generateRandomArray(); $start= microtime(true); $empty_elements = array(""); $array = array_diff($array,$empty_elements); $end = microtime(true); echo ($end-$start); [/source] this one takes 0.052-0.059 seconds and surely is a significant improvement over the last one here is another improved version using array_filter() [source lang='php'] $array = generateRandomArray(); $start= microtime(true); $array = array_filter($array); $end = microtime(true); echo ($end-$start); [/source] it takes like 0.002 seconds to complete 🙂 - pretty good one, eh? (thanks damdec, for reminding about it) and this is the last one which was my favorite one using array_keys() taking advantage of the optional search_values parameter 🙂 [source lang='php'] $array = generateRandomArray(); $start= microtime(true); $empty_elements = array_keys($array,""); foreach ($empty_elements as $e) unset($array[$e]); $end = microtime(true); echo ($end-$start); [/source] this is an amazing improvement over the previous solutions, it takes only around 0.0008 - 0.0009 seconds for an array of 10000 elements. i hope you enjoyed this post with micro benchmarks 😀 - happy phping

some very useful apps for mac osx, free as well :)

i am a big time fan of mac osx. if you think there are no free+useful app for mac, you are quite wrong. here is my personal favorite list of some free and very useful apps which i use everyday.

CyberDuck CyberDuck: it is my most favorite FTP and SFTP client, and its really very cool. Well, you can use it as a WebDAV and S3 client too. Its open source and you can check it out from here

ALunch: if you use your dock very frequently and are really tired to reconfigure it again and again, alunch is a very nice sticky app launcher for you. it’s organiser is simply awesome and you can arrange all your applications in a a well categorized manner easily. its very nice and one of my very favorites. Check it out from here


iStat Pro and Menus: though it has a name “pro” but it comes for free. it is an awesome device monitoring tool and supplies you very essential information about your mac device, like bandwidth consumption (both eth and bt) temperature, fan RPM, memory usage, cpu usage and it supplies each of these with details. download it from here – btw, forgot to tell you that you can install it in your iphone and ipod touch too!

iStat Pro

Chicken of VNC: it is a nice VNC client for mac. if you have multiple macs in your home or you want to use it as a generic VNC client to your other machines, from you mac – it is the perfect tool. open source and free 🙂 – check it out from here

Caffeine: it is another very useful and handy when you really dont want your screen to black out (heh heh). it sits on your top bar with a icon of coffee cup, and once you click on it the machine will stay active for 30 minutes (configurable). no screensaver, no dimming – its show time :D. check it out from here


Using Google WorldMap visualization component in your applications

Its really hard to find a good flash based world map component to use in your web applications. They are either too complex to add or they cost quite a lot. And even sometime if you pay that, its tough to customize the chart as you want it to look like. But you know there is someone called “Uncle G” (i.e google) here who has almost all the components in his Pandora’s box. So lets see how can we use the geomap component from their Visualization Library.

First we need to create a datatable which will act as a data source for this world map, as usual like all other google visualization component.

[source lang=’javascript’]
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn(‘string’, ‘Country’);
data.addColumn(‘number’, ‘Number of ZCEs’);
data.setValue(0, 0, ‘Bangladesh’);
data.setValue(0, 1, 19);
data.setValue(1, 0, ‘India’);
data.setValue(1, 1, 150);
data.setValue(2, 0, ‘Pakistan’);
data.setValue(2, 1, 4);
data.setValue(3, 0, ‘Nepal’);
data.setValue(3, 1, 5);
data.setValue(4, 0, ‘Sri Lanka’);
data.setValue(4, 1, 7);

now we will initialize the google visualization framework and draw this component using this data source

[source lang=’javascript’]
var geomap = new google.visualization.GeoMap(document.getElementById(‘‘));
geomap.draw(data, null);

but wait, we are not done yet – to make sure that everything works properly, we need to wrap all of these code inside a function (for example name this function as drawGeoMap) and we will use that function as a callback to draw this map. and of course, we need to load the google visualization library and geomap component first

so here is the complete code of this
[source lang=’javascript’]


you can check the demo at http://sandbox.ofhas.in/geomapv1.php

it will display a world map with highlighted countries like below
Geomap V 1

but wait – lets make ca nifty change and add event listeners to it. we will add event listeners in such a way so that whenever users click on any country in the map, it will take you to zend yellow page corresponding to that country 🙂 that will make it really an useful component :). here is the code

[source lang=’javascript’]


check the demo at http://sandbox.ofhas.in/geomapv2.php

now you can click on any country and it will open a new tab with that particular country pre selected – and you can see who are the zend certified engineers from that country. i hope you’ve liked this :). Thanks goes the theam Visualization team at google for creating these awesome components and to make them free for use

For reference – check out geomap reference at google code at http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/gallery/geomap.html. you can do many other cool things like displaying only US states map or Canadian States map with this 🙂

leaving i2we on 15th next

i’d joined i2we family on july 15th, 2008. i2we was a small venture funded company from berkeley and founded by karel baloun, one of the very first engineers in facebook. it was quite a good time over there with a nice team (specially louise, vladimir, jessica, himani, karel, ray , taewoo, sean, gerardo, cecilia, diego and definitely my bangladesh team shahid, shoeb and mahmud) – i have met some very skilled and prominent backend engineers (vladimir, gerardo – it was great working with you) and co operative team mates (louise, it is really hard to find such a good team mate like you). and yeah – taewoo. the one codeigniter wizard i’ve seen so far. and jessica, it was nice to meet you on board. shahid and shoeb are leaving too and definitely i wish someday teaming up the old team again very soon. stay tuned, my friends.

basically i’ve developed facebook applications and standalone RnD based web apps during this time, helped the whole team to optimize the platform and to tune it up. and it was overall a good time experimenting new tools and learning many insider things. thanks to karel and ray for their awesome support.

i am planning to have a vacation for a month right now with my family and then it’s the same old story again – 🙂 and yeah, will start looking for job again. so wish me the best 🙂

we've only just begun….

i remember the movie 1408 when john cusack, a horror story writer desperate for fame dared to spend a night in a cursed hotel room. when he entered the room, after spending sometime he started feeling uncomfortable and then he started giving him auto suggestion like “i know, there is nothing called ghost” – and instantly, like magic, the cassette player started playing the song “we’ve only just begun”. the moment was surprisingly awesome, john’s expression and the environment. i didnt know it was a very old song from 80’s sung by the carpenters.

i was detached from blogging for quite a long time. almost like 2 months. was in hell of a busy time. so i am back again to life. first let me give you some update from my last two months.

1. i’ve spent a huge time working on applications based on facebook connect and open stream API
2. started refactoring on my unicode bangla based input scripts
3. attended SQABD lightning talks 3.
4. delivered my speech on “scalable facebook applications” in Facebook Developer Garage, 09.
5. working to arrange DebugFest, the new seminar or debugging techniques and tools coming under banner of phpexperts.

not much, but i’ve found myself stressed up a lot. i am trying to recover my productivity. i am also looking forward to my own start-up one day.

we (me and my wife) are expecting our new baby by next month. i am also looking forward to take a long leave from everything for one or two months.