Category: Books & Magazines

Planning to write a book on Titanium and Phonegap.

I have been planning to write a book on Appcelerator Titanium and Phonegap for last six months. This time I am not going to publish it through any publishing company. I want to do some crowd sourcing for a nice TOC and I will publish each of these chapters as PDF as soon they are done, for free.

I hope it will be cool to write a boon in open-source style, free as in beer, free as in freedom. Wish me good luck.

What is your most favorite Book on PHP?

My first PHP book was “Beginning PHP4” which I read in 2002. I still remember that dark red cover with smiling faces on top of it :). It was a good book. I should rather say it was a very good one for kick-starting PHP that time.

So far I’ve read a lot of books written on PHP. But when someone asks me which one is my favorite, I get three or may be four which were very good. First one was Professional PHP Programming. Then comes PHP5 Power Programming. Next comes Advanced PHP Programming and Finally I must say about Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns. Of course there are other books which are very good in fact. But these are my favorite (Well, you see that Beginning PHP4 and Professional PHP4 are obsolete by now, but they helped me a lot that time)

If I have to choose my most favorite one – I would vote for Advanced PHP programming

What is your most favorite Book on PHP? It doesn’t matter if they are obsolete or 10 years old 🙂 – Just share you most favorite one with us 🙂

My book on OOP-PHP5 has been published

Packt is pleased to announce the release of a new book titled Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5. Written by Me, this book will teach users to understand the core object-oriented programming concepts with PHP and to write manageable applications with ease.


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses “objects” and their interactions to design applications and computer programs. It was basically introduced to ease the development process as well as reduce the time of development by reducing the amount of code needed.

PHP is one of the most popular languages for web application development, and PHP5 supports OOP very well. This book will help users to master core OOP features in PHP as well as advanced Topics like Design Patterns including Model-View-Controller (MVC), and Unit Testing.

Comprehensive documentation and working examples on the Standard PHP Library (SPL), which are hard to find elsewhere, are provided in this book. Users will find this book useful to leverage PHP’s OOP features to write manageable applications with ease.

Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5 is published and is available with Packt. For more information about this book, please visit

Source: PHPMagazine.Net (They published the news, so what I’ve done is “copy and paste”, he he)

List of RSS Feeds I read almost everyday

I am sharing a list of RSS feeds that I read almost everyday. And which one is my favorites RSS reader? Well, I use GoogleReader because of it’s excellent features like star and feed history. also I like it’s feed sharing feature.

1. Ajaxian :
2. Cow’s Blog :
3. IBM Developer Works (Web) :
4. IBM Developer Works (Open Source) :
5. Designer Folio :
6. Digg Technology :
7. DZone Latest Front Page Links :
8. Freelance Switch :
9. HacksZine :
10. International PHP Magazine News :,id,26,noeid,26,.html
11. JSLabs High Performance Web Apps :
12. LifeHack :
13. Mashable :
14. Maxdesign :
15. Newsvine (PHP) :
16. PHP Freaks :
17. PHP Magazine :
18. PHP Coding Practise:
19. PHP Developer :
20. PHP Geek :
21. PHP Architct News :
22. Planet Ajaxian :
23. Planet PHP :
24. Programmable Web :
25. ROScripts :
26. Sitepoint Blogs :
27. Sitepoint News :
28. Smashing Magazine :
29. Jonathan Snooks Blog :
30. TechCrunch :
31. Technorati Javascript Links :
32. Technorati PHP Links:
33. Veerle’s Blog :
34. Web2List :
35. Zen Habits :
36. PHP Tags :
37. PHPExperts Forum :
38. 456 Berea Street :
39. Particle Tree :
40. Simple Bits :

Turn your wordpress Blog into a full fledged CMS

Hopefully you know that my second book published few weeks ago from packt publishing. I wrote abput several topics from beginning to master your wordpress blog. One of the chapter, I told how you can customize your wordpress blog into a full fledged CMS by modifying the code. Dont worry, you need not to be a pro for editing this code.

Packt is giving you the facility to freely download this chapter. Goto my book website at and download the chapter.

My First Book – Smarty

Smarty BookSmarty PHP Template Programming and Applications
In Detail

Smarty is a templating engine for PHP. Designers who are used to working with HTML files can work with Smarty templates, which are HTML files with simple tags while programmers work with the underlying PHP code. The Smarty engine brings the code and templates together. The result of all this is that designers can concentrate on designing, programmers can concentrate on programming, and they don’t need to get in each others way so much.
Even if you are developing a site on your own, Smarty is a powerful way to make your code clearer to you and others, as well as easier to debug and modify later.

What you will learn from this book

This book is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of using Smarty. It will help you to:

* Install and configure Smarty on your Web server
* Understand how Smarty affects your web site architecture, and build site foundations that make the most of what Smarty offers
* Designers will learn to work with templates that contain variables and logic, to modify layouts or content of Smarty web sites
* See how Smarty caching can improve the performance of your sites
* Develop custom Smarty functions and plug-ins to incorporate into your templates


Using a step-by-step approach based on realistic examples, the expert authors show you how to use Smarty in your own PHP development.

Who this book is written for

This book is written for PHP developers who want to use Smarty templates in their development, and for designers who are working with PHP developers who are using Smarty.

Author(s) : Hasin Hayder, Joao Prado, Lucian Gheorge