Author: hasin

WordPress SQLite – Update One

1. Installer is Finished
2. WordPress DB core conversion finished

Now I am stuck with Role Management and I will finish it hopefully within a day. Last night a funny thing happened. In wordpress installer they check whether a table has been successfully created by invoking “SHOW Tables” command which is not compliant with SQLite. So I start searching how to get information about database scheme. After searching for a while, I finally went thru the code of phpsqliteadmin and found the solution.

Every SQLite database has a table called SQLITE_MASTER which remains hidden. So you can just execute the following command to get all the table names.

“SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER where type=’table'”

Really Cool. !!! I am very much excited abt this project and I am sure – I will release it in friendly way. In WordPress SQLite edition you can use standard wordpress distribution (with modified db core) but you can just configure your config file and add the following line.

driver = ‘sqlite’

I just want to avoid all the hassle for the end user 🙂

Lets see!!

So Hasin, The Game is Finally Over

Long time ago I played a cool game named Heroes of the Might and Magic. The ending session was cool. Just a few weeks ago I over Serious Sam – the Second Encounter and Finally Prince of Persia – the Sands of Time. Serious Sam got a funny ending.

Few months ago – I saw a great movie – Exorcist, the Beginning. At the final stage when The ghost fought priest, she whispered a cool sentence which priest heard a long time ago. I like the dialog very much. The ghost whispered to the priest “Priest, God is not here Today.”

Well, god is still here today. I am grateful to you for what I get and What I didn’t, I am grateful because for standing here right now. And God, I am thankful for what you brought into my life.

A new chapter is about to begin. And I realized finally, the game I was playing is finally over. Thanks god.

Bangla Unicode Phonetic Parsing Script [Transliterator] Released

Finally the project is finished. I developed the transliterator in javascript to parse the english keyboard input in bangla unicode characters phonetically.

The script is released under LGPL, so anyone can use it.

You can browse the online version of this script at

Or you can browse the subversion repository of code at

Lets evaluate.

Save Nurul – Student of RUET

The boy in the picture is our friend NURUL (02 series), a final year student of EEE at Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET ). He is supposed to be an engineer after only 6 months. But he is in hospital (National Kidney Foundation, Ward #3, Bed #3) now fighting with death. He is suffering from KIDNEY damage problem. Doctors have diagonosed that both his kidneys are 80% damaged. To transplant one of his kidneys a gross amount of Tk 15,00,000 (1.5 million Taka) is required. The vital fact is we need the money within A WEEK .

All the students of RUET are working heart and soul to collect the money from every possible source. We the students of RUET expect you to be one of us in the mission of saving the valuable life of a meritorious engineering student.

In the past we did save Omit and Hridoy. We do believe that if we stand together hand in hand we could get back NURUL among us.
Wouldn’t you be one of us!!!

Please send your contribution to
Saving account no – 34115593
Dilkusha Corporate Branch, Dhaka.

On behalf of the students of RUET –

Istiaque Uddin Chowdhury (RIFAT)
Cell – 0199-116447 (TnT incoming)
Please Forward it to Others.

A new project – WordPress SQLite

WordPress runs pretty fine in MySQL. But what if I want to run it in SQLite or in PostgreSQL? No way!!

Last night I started a new project and I am converting wordpress DB-Core as well as the db schema to SQLite. It will be a great project if successful.

I hope I can release it within 3-5 days.

Long Live WordPress.

Dear God-Thanks for Giving me yesterday

Yesterday was a great day in my life. I completed my unicode based phonetic parser after dreaming for a long long time. It was not that much tough as I thought while planning. It works great. Finally at 11:30 PM Hasan suggested a nice change and I implemented it to ease the life of end-developers who will incorporate bangla unicode parsers in thier web apps. It was totally around 15 hours job including planning, learning and implementing.

Yesterday I also managed the data in systech digital and it worked fine.

I am releasing the unicode parser from and Google open source community. From now on, i can use this project in my upcoming localized applications.

Thanks God for giving me yesterday and thanks for giving me the spirit to work.

Unicode Phonetic Parser for Bangla

Last night I worked for 5 hours for basic RnD about my upcoming product, a unicode based phonetic parser for Bangla language. This parser will parse keystrokes phonetically (or you better say translitterally), for example when we will type “amar” you will see bangla “AMAR”.

I was stuck with a strange problem. But I solved that. Now conjunctions, Vowels and Consonants, Preceding Kars and Following Kars are working pretty fine. Though I need to spend some time with “Khanda To”, “Ref”, “Hasanth” and “Jo Fola”. Also “Oi kar”,”Ou kar” and “II Kar” needs to be processed with special care.

Thanks to Paul Nelson from Microsoft (Well, ya its Microsoft) and developers of Unicode Renderers for *nix distros for their unicode rendering engine.

I am releasing my script under CC/LGPL dual license from, if everything goes fine.

TUX Became Paid and I got one year subscription for Free.

The popular Linux magazine TUX became paid by an announcement yesterday. I was just wondering why it took so long to make the decisssion. Having other paid publishing in their cart like LinuxJournal TUX was offered for free for the last 15 month.

But I like what they did with their existing free subscribers. They make an announcement that they are going to be paid subscription, but they have something for their existing members who are old. Guess what? Most old members got a one year subscription for Free. Whoa!! And I was one luck chap among them

I am an extreme fan of TUX Magazine for the last 12 month and their content are really so good. I have been happy so that they went into paid subscriptiong program, because that will ensure their existence. At least for the next couple of years.

Long live TUX.

Managing dynamic form elements in Struts

Those who are working with Struts, it could be a great problem if you have dynamic form elements in your form and you need to manage them. As they are dynamic, you dont know what are their name and you ant actually map these properties into your ActionForm bean. So how to manage these dynamic form elements, any idea? Take a look at this solution below.

First, Lets make your ActionForm bean like this

public class TestBean extends ActionForm {

public final Map values = new HashMap();

public void setValue(String key, Object value)
values.put(key, value);

public Object getValue(String key)
return values.get(key);

here comes the action in struts-config

Now we need to see how we can map dynamic properties in JSP pages.

Submit This

Please note that we add “value()” – thus it will access the Setter method setValue() in our ActionForm bean.

Finally, lets capture the submitted dynamic values in our Struts Action

public class TestAction extends Action {
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws Exception {

TestBean tb = (TestBean) actionForm;
httpServletRequest.setAttribute(“dynamic”, tb.getValue(“dynamic”)); //first dynamic
httpServletRequest.setAttribute(“dynamic2”, tb.getValue(“dynamic2”)); //second dynamic
return actionMapping.findForward(“success”);

Well, you can just go thru the HashMap in TestBean for all the dynamic values.

Zend is launching PHP5 Exam

Zend is launching PHP5 certification exam pretty soon. The beta is starting from this July 26 – Sunday to August 2. Today I received a mail from Dhwani Wahia from Zend Education Advisory board announcing the upcoming Exam.

But There is a surprise. Zend is giving away 25 Free beta exam voucher chosen from existing Zend Certified Engineers. Lets see the Result. Zend already published the curriculum for PHP5 exam.
