Author: hasin

Golpo is on the way

I am working these days on my bangla chat portal ‘Golpo’. I am very ambitious about this project and I am trying to make it one of the most accessed website in near future (uh eh, I am overoptimistic, always).. I am adding some unique features which are not usually present in this kind of services. I have also a plan to release it’s desktop version.

I will run this project solely by me, no media or no parenting company, solely by me. Because I always feel comfort while there is no one over my head to report, a common symptom of all developers indeed. So How did I spend last couple of days? Last couple of days I was very bz with pageflakes. Its one of the best company I have ever seen in Bangladesh, really so cool.

I am currently seeking PHP developers for somewherein. Its getting hard day by day to find good developers around.

FCiCQ contributed some cool pathces in my wordpress4sqlite project. A severe bug fixed in one of my old projects. A new moderation panel has been developed for somewherein blog. I am also creating a bdjobs account for me, well, may be useless at all.

Now just finishing the book, hopefull it will release very soon. Ah, I am being a robot, a total robot. – our project for last 4 months is now live

I had been introduced to escenic content management framework in last june. After getting introduced our first project was developing solution for IDG, a famous magazine publishing company. We started developing the solution for in may and today, the site has been launched.

beside our nordic partner, we were around 7 developer here in somewherein java team. Hasan, Misho, Milton, Shahana, Saikat, Ipshita and I.

After a long development time its finally live now. You can take a look at the live version here at

মেঘ দেখতে ইচ্ছে করে খুব, ছোটবেলার মত

আমি ছোটবেলায় কাজ না থাকলে বাসার ছাদে বসে থাকতাম ঘন্টার পর ঘন্টা। ঠিক সামনেই খুব প্রিয় একটা ইউক্যালিপ্টাস গাছ ছিল, বাতাসে তার দুলুনি ভাল লাগত খুব। মাঝে মাঝে ঘুড়ি ওড়াতাম – লাটাই ধরে বসে থাকতাম সকাল থেকে বিকাল পর্যন্ত। কয়েকদিন আগে মেজআপু নতুন বাসা নিল, অনেক খোলামেলা – অনেক আলো। আমার বাসা টা একদম বদ্ধ – আকাশ দেখা যায় না। সেদিন যখন আপুর বাসায় শুয়ে ছিলাম তখন কিযে ভালো লাগছিল মেঘ দেখতে। মনে হচ্ছিল যেন সেই ছোটবেলার মত বাসার ছাদে বসে আছি।

রাজশাহীতে অনেক স্মৃতি ফেলে এসেছি। ছোটবেলাটা খুব মিস করি। খুব ফিরে যেতে ইচ্ছে করে, খুব।

Blowing in the wind, my friend

Last night Tipu has been snatched in Gulshan 1. The bloddy muggers took away his laptop, mobile and wallet. He had also been injured by those creatures of hell. Feeling extremely sorry for him. He is the most goody-goody boy in our office and one of my most favorite colleague. So when I got that news today morning , it hurts a lot.

Yesterday I heard an amazing song sang by John lennon, “Imagine”. Also I found one of my most favorite song “Blowing in the wind” by Bob dylan.

These crime news make me very anxious when I think about my future generation. What place we are leaving for my children.

How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, ‘n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, ‘n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
Bob Dylan – Blowing in the wind

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

John Lennon – Imagine

phpexperts get-together at 16th september, 2006


It was a great party yesterday we had at somewherein. From this month we started the phpexperts monthly meeting which is sponsored by somewherein this month. Yesterday we were scheduled to start at 3:00 pm. The first who knocked the door were tahsin, najnin and kamrunnahar. Tahsin is the member of phpexperts and other two were her interestd friends. Later Prasun and Biplob came in. Shortly after that we had Mizan bhai, Rinku da, Munaz bhai, murshed, Arafat bhai, hasn, Emon, joyeb, rafik bhai, shoeb bhai, raisul and another friend of rafik bhai.

We introduced somewherein and pageflakes in our meeting. We discussed about the current trends and the market situation. Everyone agree that we should increase the awareness abd professionalism in this field. RInku da and Mizan bhai shows us what is the current situation. Later we had an interesting presentation from Hasan regarding design patterns and then we all started talking about DP. Dp is always useful but unnecessary use of DP may decrease the productivity and increase the cost of project.

After hasan’s presentation we discussed about security features of an web application and I show how sql injection and xss could be vulnerable for your applications.

Mizan bhai and ringku da talked about some interesting issues regarding database optimization.

The most interesting part was after hours of the meeting. We 9 people were still there in some close conversation and we discussed about promoting php in Bangladesh as well as promoting the name of local developers and groups internationally. We all agreed that we should bring forward the name of Bangladesh in this sector. We planned about starting some open source projects. But starting it in large scale from the beginning wouldn’t be that much effective as we see many well planned initiative comes to an end because of communication gap and lack of management. So we planned to start it in small scale – our first open source project will be a “Bangla Chat Solution” – I advanced a bit in planning and I will share it with group from today.

Finally we got a fantastic idea to write a very good bangle book on PHP. Everyone was so happy with this idea that we were surprised – this is a real problem that there is no good bangle book in Bangladesh right now. So if we, the leading php community can start writing one, it would be great obviously. We setup a small group who are interested to write the book. Mizan bhai and I will manage the project and co ordinate the writers. Primarily I, Mizan bhai, Arafat bhai, Munaz bhai, Raisul, Hasan, Murshed and Prasun agree to write. But if anyone of you are interested, you are most welcome to join.

The meeting ends at 8:30 and we are very happy with the decisions taken. We hope that you will join in next meeting and participate with us in these interesting sessions.

Thanks to somewherein for sponsoring this great party.

Working for PageFlakes


I join PageFlakes this month as a Flake Developer. PageFlake team recently won the Ajax StartPage race beating Microsoft and Google. As a result, one of the most successful venture capital company BenchMark capital invetsed $5 million in pageflakes.

PageFlakes has around 18 members here in Bangladesh, one of the greatest developer team I have ever seen. Omar Al Zabir, the CTO of PageFlakes is working and coordinating the BD team from here.

I am enjoying my time with PF. Currently I am developing Graph Flake for PageFlakes which will collect remote data in different format and compose them into nicely viewable charts. I hope I can release it within this week.

Thanks to all in PF for their wonderful effort.

Five Great CMS to vote – Packt Open Source Award

Packt arranged this open source CMS award since july. People could cast vote for their favorite CMS and The top five were supposed to be selected in first round. The first round is over. The following CMS are the top scorer and now you can vote among these five. The top three will be awarded by $5000, $3000 and $2000 respectively.

* Drupal
* e107
* Joomla
* Plone
* Xoops

So goto the above banner and vote for your favorite CMS. Voting will commence on September 12 and will run until November.

A brand new day

Yesterday Dhaka was a hot city due to political strike of opposition party. I was in home with new idea and works. I wake up at 9PM and started writing the pending and last chapter of my wordpress book, “developing widgets and plugins”. Ayesha and Afif went to a relatives house so that I was all alone in home and my work ran on full throttle. I completed around 13 pages yesterday.

At night I started my long planned project “Golpo”, the Unicode based bangla group chat solution for netizens. I was working with the DAO and I almost finished it. I was planning for this project for a long time and DB schema was ready, just needed to start the work.

From now on, I will publish my upgrade regularly on this project. I know that I will be stuck with UI part because I am not a good designer.

Lets roll the project – It will be finished soon.

Creating Thumbnail of WebPages using WebThumb API

Joshua Eichorn, the author of “Understanding AJAX” and a renowned php developer recently released WebThumb, a site to create thumbnails of web pages. The whole system is developed in c and it uses Mozilla engine to render the webpage into images. Shortly after publishing WebThumb, he released a set of API so that developers can create thumbnails from their applications. This API is very simple to use. In this Article we are going to discuss how we can incorporate WebThumb API in PHP to create thumbnail of web pages from our PHP applications.

Using WebThumb API, you can generate a thumbnail in three steps. First you have to place a request containing the URL. As soon as your request is successful, WebThumb store your request in queue. That means you are not getting the thumbnail instantly (well, there are other factors also. to fetch an url requires time, so it is not possible to generate the thumbnail in real time) – In second step you have to check whether your thumbnail has been generated or it is still in the queue. If you get a green signal, you will proceed to the third step where you have to request a download URL of your thumbnails. Before jumping into the code, let’s take a look to the API format.

Step 1: Place a request
To request thumbnail for an URL, you should post an XML message to the WebThumb server in the following format

	<apikey>apikey here</apikey>

You may wonder at this stage that we didn’t discus about the apikey yet. So what is this and where from you can obtain your key? (more…)