Author: hasin

Add Buttons to your wordpress Editor

Today I worked with adding a button on simple editor of wordpress which will take your input using javascript prompt function, process it and then add it to the editor itself. While searching in net, I got it working very cool. All you have to do is run a javascript query which will do some DOM operation on wordpresse’s admin section. This one helped a lot, I just simplified it in my code below

add_action('admin_footer', 'wpaq_addsome');

function wpaq_addsome(){

		echo <<<EOT
				<script type="text/javascript">
						if(wpaqToolbar = document.getElementById("ed_toolbar")){
							var wpaqNr, wpaqBut, wpaqStart, wpaqEnd;
			echo <<<EOT
							wpaqNr = edButtons.length;
							edButtons[wpaqNr] = new edButton('ed_wpaqNew','New','', '','');
							var wpaqBut = wpaqToolbar.lastChild;
							while (wpaqBut.nodeType != 1){
								wpaqBut = wpaqBut.previousSibling;
							wpaqBut = wpaqBut.cloneNode(true);
							wpaqBut.value = 'Add some Value';
							wpaqBut.title = wpaqNr;
							wpaqBut.onclick = someFunction; = "ed_wpaqFlake";

	function someFunction() {
	myField = document.getElementById('content');
	var myValue = prompt('Enter the value:', '');
	if (myValue) {
		edInsertContent(myField, myValue);

I am in cox'sbazaar

Oh, We are finally in cox’sbazaar, just beside the see. Our flight was 3 hour later and I got extremely horrible service. However, Thanks Allah that we are here safe and sound. We got a seaside room. Lets share some picture of journey and arrival.



ইচ্ছে হল এক ধরনের গংগা ফড়িং

ইচ্ছে হল এক ধরনের গংগা ফড়িং, আসলেই। অনেক দিনের শখ ছিল সমুদ্র দেখার। অবশ্য এর আগে একবার দেখেছি পতেংগাতে, কিন্তু রাতের বেলা মাত্র কয়েক ঘন্টার জন্য ওখানে ছিলাম, সো তেমন কিছুই দেখা হয়নি। এবার যাচ্ছি মা, আয়েশা আর আফিফ কে নিয়ে। বাবা থাকলে আরো মজা হত।

অনেক দিন পর শেষ পর্যন্ত সমুদ্র দেখতে যাচ্ছি, ইচ্ছেরা আসলেই গংগা ফড়িং

Turn your wordpress Blog into a full fledged CMS

Hopefully you know that my second book published few weeks ago from packt publishing. I wrote abput several topics from beginning to master your wordpress blog. One of the chapter, I told how you can customize your wordpress blog into a full fledged CMS by modifying the code. Dont worry, you need not to be a pro for editing this code.

Packt is giving you the facility to freely download this chapter. Goto my book website at and download the chapter.

Water Clogged People in Bangladesh – Let's help them out!

Hello all,

This mail is involves approximately one hundred thousand people, living in a remote place of Jessore named Vobodoho Upazilla. Many of you may already know about this issue. For those who do not know about this, about one hundred thousand people in three villages of Vobodoho Upazilla in Jessore have been water clogged for more than a year. All their lands are under water. Therefore, they cannot cultivate anything. Their houses and roads areunder water, too. As a result, they cannot lead normal life. Water clogging is not a new issue in Bangladesh. This situation it did not arise from flood. It’s a man made disaster. It has occured due to the formation of sluice gate there. Therefore, it does not have any natural solution.

This water is not going anywhere unless the authority does something about the sluice gates. It was decided on November 2005 that the situation would be dealt on an emergency basis. But, needless to day, no help reached to the villagers. If anyone wants to know more information about this issue, here is the web site link:

This blog is being maintained by the Drishtipat Virginia(USA). Our objective is twofold

1. To raise awareness
2. To donate those people

Those people are badly in need of food, medicine and other stuffs. But, raising awareness is more important than donation. We can give donation which will temporarily solve the problem. But, people have to be aware of this. Otherwise, the NUMB authority of Bangladesh is never going to pay any heed to the demand of those people.

Students of BRAC University have currently done a video on youthtube about this issue. It gives a vivid picture of the sufferings of those people. =w6jbUi4VTDw

Muhammad Jafar Iqbal recently wrote an article in Prothom Alo ocussing those people. /mziSep2706.pdf

Now, in order to raise awareness we are thinking of doing a manob bondhonat Shahid Minar. A tentative date for the event is 20 Dec. A few members from Dristipat Virginia will be visting Bd during that time.

We are trying to get some Big names along with us to have greater attention. A press release will be issued to involve media. We need people. The more people we have the stronger the event.

Our earnest request to everyone .please spread this news…..only 17 more days to the event…..

Hope to see you all there………


Drishtipat Virginia

Count the occurrence of words in a string

If you want to count the occurrence of words in a string, the following routine may help you. For example if you supply the string “hello hello Hello I am am Hasin” it will out put the followng

hello = 3
I = 1
am = 2
hasin = 1

Here is the code

$str = “hello hello Hello I am am hasin”;
$word_count = (array_count_values(str_word_count(strtolower($str),1)));
foreach ($word_count as $key=>$val)
echo $key .” = “. $val.”<br/>”;

I got a cool idea – Now developing this wordpress plugin

After getting the solution for sending message to MSN contact I got another cool idea. I can easily develop a small plugin for wordpress using which people will be able to subscribe to any blog with their MSN address. and When that blog will update, that plugin will automatically send new post URL to those subscribed MSN addresses.


I have started developeing this cool plugin for wordpress.