Author: hasin

How to configure Citycell Zoom USB Modem for Linux (EC325)

Today I have configured the CDMA USB modem (HUWAEI EC325) provided by citycell with their zoom connection to use in my linux distro (Mandriva Spring 2007) – Heres how to-

Attach the modem with your pc/laptop

1. check if the USB device is detected properly
cat /proc/bus/usb/devices

you will get some output like this

T: Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=05 Cnt=02 Dev#= 4 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
D: Ver= 1.01 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=16 #Cfgs= 1
P: Vendor=12d1 ProdID=1001 Rev= 0.00
S: Manufacturer=Huawei Technologies
S: Product=Huawei Mobile
S: SerialNumber=HUAWEI EC3X1
C:* #Ifs= 2 Cfg#= 1 Atr=e0 MxPwr=100mA
I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 3 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=pl2303
E: Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS= 16 Ivl=128ms
E: Ad=8a(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
E: Ad=0b(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
I: If#= 1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=pl2303
E: Ad=83(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
E: Ad=06(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms

2. Now probe for this USB device
modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1001

3. Now check with dmesg if it has been successfully probed

you will get some output like this

[ 2315.412106] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
[ 2315.412508] drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial support registered for generic
[ 2315.461938] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
[ 2315.461945] drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial Driver core
[ 2315.480382] drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial support registered for pl2303
[ 2315.480414] pl2303 2-6:1.0: pl2303 converter detected
[ 2315.480608] usb 2-6: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[ 2315.480620] pl2303 2-6:1.1: pl2303 converter detected
[ 2315.480691] usb 2-6: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB1

4. Now configure your wvdial.conf as shown here.
vi /etc/wvdial.conf

Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud = 230400
SetVolume = 0
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
FlowControl = Hardware (CRTSCTS)
[Dialer cdma]
Username = waps
Password = waps
Phone = #777
Stupid Mode = 1
Inherits = Modem0

Now save this file

You are done!!

Now you can connect to internet by applying the following command in shell

wvdial cdma

Thats it!

Performance tips for web applications

I have recently came by the article “High performance websites” in yahoo developer network. This article pointed 13 key points to speed up your application. These are

1. Make Fewer HTTP Requests
2. Use a Content Delivery Network
3. Add an Expires Header
4. Gzip Components
5. Put CSS at the Top
6. Move Scripts to the Bottom
7. Avoid CSS Expressions
8. Make JavaScript and CSS External
9. Reduce DNS Lookups
10. Minify JavaScript
11. Avoid Redirects
12. Remove Duplicate Scripts
13. Configure ETags

I was trying to improve performance for a web application recently keeping them in mind. Let me describe how to do some of them technically.

Making fewer HTTP requests:
Each time file loads from your web server, it generates an http request. So you can reduce number of http requests by caching some contents which are almost static or changes very rarely. if these contents are loaded from browser cache, there will be no request for them over HTTP. You can use apache’s mod_expire module to cache specific tyyou (image, swf etc) of contents in your site. The following line in httpd.conf loads mod_expire successfully.

LoadModule expires_module modules/

After that, write the following lines in .htaccess to cache all the image, swf and javascripts for one month from the current date, with the help of mod_expire

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000
ExpiresByType image/png A2592000
ExpiresByType image/jpg A2592000
ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A2592000
ExpiresByType application/x-Shockwave-Flash A2592000

If you are confused by the letter “A” with number of seconds associated with it, it actually means “Access time”

For reducing number of HTTP requests, you can also merge all your css files and javascript files into one css and js file.

Use a content delivery network
Yeah, that works really cool. You can serve your static contents more effectively from popular content delivery network (CDN) like akamai or Amazon S3. The benefit of using popular CDNs is that these CDNs are scaled and distributed and really knows how to serve your content faster than ever.

Add an Expiry Header
Expiry tags helps your browser to understand when to invalidate cache for a cached content. So you can ask how to add expiry header to your content. You can do it by injecting HTTP headers while delivering it from your server to end user’s machine i.e browser. Apache’s mod_expire module does the same thing, by MIME type of contents. But it doesn’t help to cache a single file or multiple files. So if you want to cache a specific file, you can do it using following PHP code.

header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time()+600)." GMT");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=600");

This will set the expiry time 600 seconds from the time of content delivered.

Gzip components
While delivering any data from web server to browser, you can apply gzip compression over it. These gzipped data are decompressed when received by brwsers and treated as regular data. Almost all of the modern browsers supports gzip compression. To compress your content, you can do it either automatically using Apache’s mod_deflate or manually via your code. If you like to do it using mod_deflate, then you have to enable mod_deflate first and then modify your .htaccess file to make use of that. The following line in httpd.conf enables mod_deflate with apache

LoadModule deflate_module modules/

Now if you want to make use of mod_deflate and compress your content on the fly while delivering, you can add the following line in your .htaccess file.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/x-javascript

Or you can write PHP code for delivering gzipped contents. The following piece of code delivers any javascript file as a gzipped one.

header("Content-type: text/javascript; charset: UTF-8");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate");
$offset = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3;
$ExpStr = "Expires: " .
gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",
time() + $offset) . " GMT";

To deliver a javascript file (say prototype.js) using gzipjs.php you can load your scripts like this

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”gzipjs.php?js=prototype.js” ></script>

But hey, don’t just include any file passed to it (as i did it here in gzipjs.php). I wrote the code quickly to demonstrate the process. In practice you must (M.U.S.T) sanitize the supplied argument before including. Otherwise it could be a very dangerous security breach.

Minify Javascripts
Minifying means compressing javascripts by removing unnecessary white space, comments and others. You can make use of customized rhino engine which is used by dojo’s shrinksafe. Rhino is a nifty tool for doing these things.

So, how to do it? Download custom_rhino from dojo’s shriksafe page. After that compress your javascripts using following command.

java -jar custom_rhino.jar -c infile.js > outfile.js

That means you must have JRE installed in your machine to execute the command shown above (rhino is developed using java). Now if you have number of script files and you want to compress them all at once, without applying his command for each of them, you can make a nifty batch file to do it for you. Here is the code. It will compress each script files into script.js.packed file.

for /F %%F in ('dir /b *.js') do java -jar custom_rhino.jar -c %%F > %%F.packed 2>&1

Place custom_rhino.jar file and all your script files in same directory and run it. All your scripts will be packed.

I hope these tips will really boost up performance of your web application. This is just a basic article and I didnt go details of these tips. There are also other ways (like javascript on demand) which will also help increasing the performance.

Don’t forget to check other options from the original article at yahoo developer network.


I am joining Trippert Inc.

Trippert Inc

I am joining Trippert, an US based social networking company for travelers, from day after tomorrow. Though i started working unofficially with these excellent guys from couple of days ago. Primarily my responsibility is to extend Trippert’s developer group here in Bangladesh. Beside that I will be responsible for managing projects and implementing QA.

Trippert is developed over CakePHP having MySQL as database server. If you want to know what is Trippert being developed for, here a small excerpt from the site

What’s Trippert about?

Trippert celebrates the handful of experiences that define a trip. When you look back on a two-week trip, there are always a few key moments that made it amazing: a lazy day at a beach cafe, an architectural wonder, a great party, a romantic vista, a street market. Whatever the moment is for you, it is what you will remember in five years and what we want you to share on Trippert.

We don’t expect to offer the traditional travelogue features – travel diaries, step-by-step maps that retrace a trip, etc. Instead, we want to provide the best tool for you to add great photos and articles, to discover unexpected places, to save what you like, and to leave inspired to take a trip.

List of RSS Feeds I read almost everyday

I am sharing a list of RSS feeds that I read almost everyday. And which one is my favorites RSS reader? Well, I use GoogleReader because of it’s excellent features like star and feed history. also I like it’s feed sharing feature.

1. Ajaxian :
2. Cow’s Blog :
3. IBM Developer Works (Web) :
4. IBM Developer Works (Open Source) :
5. Designer Folio :
6. Digg Technology :
7. DZone Latest Front Page Links :
8. Freelance Switch :
9. HacksZine :
10. International PHP Magazine News :,id,26,noeid,26,.html
11. JSLabs High Performance Web Apps :
12. LifeHack :
13. Mashable :
14. Maxdesign :
15. Newsvine (PHP) :
16. PHP Freaks :
17. PHP Magazine :
18. PHP Coding Practise:
19. PHP Developer :
20. PHP Geek :
21. PHP Architct News :
22. Planet Ajaxian :
23. Planet PHP :
24. Programmable Web :
25. ROScripts :
26. Sitepoint Blogs :
27. Sitepoint News :
28. Smashing Magazine :
29. Jonathan Snooks Blog :
30. TechCrunch :
31. Technorati Javascript Links :
32. Technorati PHP Links:
33. Veerle’s Blog :
34. Web2List :
35. Zen Habits :
36. PHP Tags :
37. PHPExperts Forum :
38. 456 Berea Street :
39. Particle Tree :
40. Simple Bits :

Damn, why the hell skype is blocking port 80?

I was suffering for a ridiculous problem for last couple of days. Something strange (UFO??) was listening at port 8 of my local pc and I couldn’t run apache on port 80. So I was searching for the solution and suddenly found that Matt from wordpress suffered from exactly the same problem. its ridiculous and very annoying!

So I followed the steps Matt suggested in his blog post – I applied the following command at shell

netstat -a -o -n

Then I found that a process with PID 2160 is listening at port 80. I give the following command

tasklist /FI “PID eq 2160”

then I found that the criminal is skype!!! God knows why the hell skype requires to listen at port 80. Then I quit from skype and everything runs fine. After running apache, I restarted skype and it runs smoothly!

Just a followup, I quit from Pageflakes as well.

Well, this is just a followup of my previous post
that I quit from my part time contract of pageflakes as well. The termination of contract will be effective from 1st of august.

Well, same thing about Pageflakes. Learned a lot of new things there, a great working environment with someone like Omar Al Zabir, shiplu, amit, chitta, mouly, robin, sakib, nirjhar, shahed, mehfuz, mithun, asif, arafat, ashraf, awnik, raisul, chitta and christoph. I will miss you a lot.

Thanks for all your support.

WordPress Bangla Date Plugin

Yesterday I developed a plug in for wordpress users. Using this plug in you can display all the dates for your posts and comments in Bengali. So download the plug in from the following link, place it in plugins folder and enable it from “plugins” menu in wordpress administration panel. You are done.

I have released under Ekushey. Thanks to Omi Azad for the work.

The project was inspired by Humayun bhai from e-Kobi

Using ActiveRecord Library Separately from CodeIgniter

CodeIgniters ActiveRecord library is a nice implementation (though modified) of ActiveRecord design pattern. It comes bundled with CodeIgniter. So if you want to use Just this library in your application individually instead of using full CodeIgniter framework, what to do?

Today I’ve spent some time and separate the ActiveRecord library from CodeIgniter. Now you can use it via a class named ActiveRecordFactory. Here’s how to do it (I separate only the MySQL driver) .

I separate the “database” folder under the “system” directory of CodeIgniter. Then I removed all folders in database/drivers except “mysql”. (I need only MySQL, :D)

I modified the class definition at database/drivers/mysql_driver.php
Previously It Was : class CI_DB_mysql_driver extends CI_DB {
Now : class CI_DB_mysql_driver {

I modified the class definition at database/DB_driver.php
Previously It Was : class CI_DB_driver {
Now : class CI_DB_driver extends CI_DB_mysql_driver {

And finally I create a ActiveRecord Factory to instantiate codeigniters Active Record Properly. Here is the code

File: database/ActiveRecordFactory.php

 * This is a Factory to create an instance of Code Igniters Active Record Class
 * @author Hasin []

include_once (
include_once (
include_once (
include_once (
include_once (

function log_message(){/*just suppress logging*/}

Class ActiveRecordFactory {
    private static 
    private static 
    public static function 
        if (!empty(
$dsn)) self::$dsn $dsn;
        if (empty(
            if (!empty(
self::$CIAR = new CI_DB_active_record($dsn) ;
            throw new 
Exception("Please give a DSN in this format 'driver://username:password@hostname/database'");

Now You can test The ActiveRecord library like this

$activerecord = ActiveRecordFactory::Factory(“mysql://user:password@localhost/test”);
$activerecord = ActiveRecordFactory::Factory();


echo $activerecord->get(“users”)->num_rows();

$activerecord->insert(“users”,array(“name”=>”CodeIgniter”,”pass”=>”CI Rocks”));

You can download the complete example from here

So I am free again. Farewell….

I quit from my regular full time job in “somewhere in net limited” day before yesterday. It was a nice journey for the last 2 years and 3 month. I quit because I don’t like to stay engaged with a single project for so long time. I had been developing and maintaining the largest localized blog portal here in Bangladesh, SomewhereIn Blog with my fellow team mates.

It was a great time there in swi. I find great team mates and colleagues. I have learned a lot of things. Special thanks to Arild and Espen for providing such a nice working environment.

I still have some tasks left there. So officially my contract will terminate from August 1. But before that, I will go there irregularly just to guide my fellow developers.

So you may ask what’s next? I will spend some quality time with my family which they deserve for a long time. I will finish my Current book “Object Oriented Programming with PHP” and another project that I am currently working in. After that I will start the Open Source project I have been planning for a long time and after releasing it’s first version I will again start looking for a new job. Wish me good luck on that.

Thanks again for all your support and patience during this time.

An interesting bug in ReflectionParameter object in PHP 5.2.1

I came across an interesting bug last night. I searched for the reference and found that Sebastian Bergman reported quite similar bug in 11 Jun 2005 (Bug # 33312) which is currently marked as closed. I tested that bug reported by Sebastian and well, its fixed.

But there is still the following bug alive in ReflectionParameter object, I tested it against the PHP version 5.2.1 . So what is this bug? The reflection parameter cannot retrieve the default value of a parameter if the next parameter has no default value. PHP simply omits all the variables before that variable and return only values after that variable (I am sorry for my poor english). To regenerate the bug, you can execute the following script

[sourcecode language=”php”]
class TestClass
public function __construct($a , $b=6 , $c = "hh", $d, $e=76)


$class = new ReflectionClass("TestClass");
$method= $class-&gt;getMethod("__construct");
$parameter = $method-&gt;getParameters();

foreach ($parameter as $param)
if ($param-&gt;isDefaultValueAvailable())
if (is_null($param-&gt;getDefaultValue()))
echo $param-&gt;getName()." : null \n";
echo $param-&gt;getName()." : ".$param-&gt;getDefaultValue()."\n";

The above code returns only “e : 76” which is definitely not the expected value. And if you modify the TestClass like below

[sourcecode language=”php”]
class TestClass
public function __construct($a = "1", $b , $c = "string", $e=76)


it will output
c : string
e : 76

Its a bug, right? I donno if already reported! And I didn’t test it in 5.2.2 but i guess it’s still there.