Author: hasin

Its all about a kiss

Just finished watching “Just my luck” – a nice movie where a lucky girl kissed a very unlucky boy and their luck just switched to each other. As a result funny things started happening. I must agree a very nice movie.

I just wanna know what your thinking
I’ve got a mission
it’s all about a kiss

And i just wanna know if your feeling
better than dreaming
it’s all about a kiss

now your infront of me
suddenly it’s clear to see
it was you really you all along

blue skys and rainy days
etheir way it feels ok
cause starting now we’re gunna share it all

I just wanna know what your thinking
I’ve got a mission
it’s all about a kiss

And i just wanna know if your feeling
better than dreaming
it’s all about a kiss

International PHP-Magazine – Is it dead?

I am a subscriber of International PHP Magazine for years. I bought the subscription looking at the back issues. They were sexy, resourceful and yup, very good. But I think these guys don’t care about the magazine anymore. It became just a funny stuff for them. All the readers/subscribers and viewers doesn’t bring any value to them. Look what they are doing actually

1. one of their issue recently delivered “Riding the Rails”. Huh! I thought I got a wrong issue on my hand and I was wondering how they did it.

2. Their website now shows some peculiar ads like the one below at the top-right corner
“PHPInfo – Coming in -2 Days”

and if you click over that thing, it says “PHPInfo is coming in -1 day”

3. At the middle left section, just below the navigation you find some peculiar ads where alignments got broken, contents are over flooded and they induce you to buy some gadgets!

4. The featured article section contains the”PHP CLI Unveiled!” which has not been updated for years.

5. The book club section offers you to buy “PHP Web Development with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004” for more than a year.

6. The magazine is now a 32-34 page skinny one compared to the old 50+

I remember Davey Shafik wrote an article “Where fore art thou International PHP Magazine?” couple of months ago focusing these things. But the change never came.

If you cant run a service properly, why dont u shut it down?

Making a jobsite using PHP

I was involved in making a job site few days ago. During the development, I have studied how easily anyone can develop a job site using PHP (language independent in true sense) . So I decide to write a blog post about my experience and here it goes. But note that this article is not about scaling or balancing the load on your site during heavy traffic, heh heh.

When you start making a job site, the most complex thing that I’ve found is making the resume-submission-system. Specially the resume editor is more complex than most other parts of a job site. Numbers of sub sections makes it really “not-so-lovely” to code . I am not going to foucs on resume-editor in this article but want to help you on “how easily you can create you can make/run a job site by your own”.

If you want a ready made job-board software which you can just plugin easily under your domain (zero effort, seriously) you can go for “job-a-matic” which is just register-setup-run type one. Please note that it doesn’t come with source code. Its just a customizable solution which you can run under your domain name.

If you love challenge but still want a ready made one with source code then you can go for “Jobberbase“. It is written in pure PHP and uses MySQL in back end. It comes with nice user interface and (more…)

Thats it! Yahoo's meeting OpenID!

Yahoo  Meets OpenID

Yahoo’s meeting OpenID and the beta program is going to launch on 30th January. Its a very good news to all of us. OpenID is a very successful project and finally Yahoo’s implementing OpenID in their authentication system. I am very happy hearing this. OpenID project surely needed a boost like this one long before! I am waiting for the day when Google will meet OpenID.

Just updated my resume

After a long time I’ve just updated my resume. You can take a look at my resume by clicking the following link.

My Resume in PDF Format

If you find anything inconsistent or have a suggestion to improve it, dont hesitate to post your comment. I would love to listen what you think.

হারিয়ে যেতে ইচ্ছা করে খুব – Like a rolling stone

মাঝে মাঝে খুবই ইচ্ছা করে হারিয়ে যেতে। কোনো কাজ করতে ভালো লাগে না, মনে হয় বেরিয়ে পড়ি যেদিকে চোখ যায় সেদিকে, কোনো ভাবাভাবি নেই, নেই কোনো পিছুটান।

একদিন ঠিকই বেরিয়ে পড়ব রাস্তায়, সবার সাথে ভাগ করে নেব অসীম এই পৃথিবীটা – মাঠে শুয়ে গুনব তারা। হয়ত কোনো পুকুরে লাফ দেব, যা ইচ্ছা তাই করব।

খুব ইচ্ছা করে, খুব।

বব ডিলান যেভাবে গাইছে – ঠিক সেভাবে
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

Once upon a time there was Smarty!

With due respect to Monte Ohrt, Zmievski, Messju and those nice guys who contributed their time in Smarty.

I have used Smarty for a long time, even wrote a book on it and created a cheat sheet. But I think now its time to say there is no need to use an external template engine like smarty. With flexible view in MVC frameworks like CodeIgniter and CakePHP (Many others too) is there really any need to learn a separate template language like smarty? Once there was a time when people burnt their hand with RAW code and so called phrameworks and finally realized that they need something to separate the presentation layer from business. Some nice guys over there developed smarty and it saved life of a lot of developers (i mean developers). But that time is over. Seriously why the hell I need to learn a new templating language when a “echo” does the thing much better. Even smart frameworks come with some cool helper libraries where you will find helper functions to do some cool things that smarty’s date and time function does. I just dont need a wrapper over my PHP code which parse regular variable and echo them. Smarty just made itself extremely complex and useless too over the day, seriously.

I seriously don’t think there is need of Smarty anymore. Its dead! If you guys don’t agree with me, you can spend hell lot of time learning that {$name} actually does what you could do with “echo $name”. If you write a dispatcher which is smart enough to bring the variables from a controller scope to the scope of a view, why do u need to learn a separate parser like smarty? Moreover, of course it takes time in parsing the template files into equivalent PHP code and cost me some time. But hell no, I am not pointing to those microseconds I lost in extra parsing, I am pointing to the time I will spend learning smarty which is not needed at all. Learning all those functions, loops, logics, caching and others in smarty takes so much time that I would love to suggest you to learn writing efficient PHP code in template layer rather than learning something like smarty.

Update: Some of you commented that to keep designers away from PHP and to keep it safe, we should go for smarty. But is there really any designer who knows only smarty and no PHP? Is it really possible to write efficient code in smarty without knowing PHP? Nah, not at all. And there is {php} block which allow so called template designers to run unsafe PHP code inside it. Well, you can block executing {php} block from your side, but still smarty is not a solution to think that you are “secured”. And honestly, you should’t let your template designer write template code for you if they dont know PHP. And you should learn about XSS, SQL Injection and CSRF if you really want to live secured.

Sometime it’s better to realize thats its time to unlearn something.

Lookback 2007, The Storyteller

January 2007
I started working with my book OOP5 with PHP. I was working on somewherein that time and had a hard day installing subversion server (poor me, heh heh). I took three PHP devs in my team there. Spent quite a busy time planning the new year.

February 2007
Was running @ full throttle in Pageflakes. Learned a hell lot of javascript. Done some interesting flakes in Pageflakes.

March 2007
Became a die hard fan of Code Igniter and refactored somewherein blog completely with it. Planned for a complete refactoring of zephyr.

April 2007
Benchmarking, profiling took a long time due to refactoring of somewhereinblog. My book WordPress Completed had been slashdotted 8. I had released WordPress Bangla Plugin which is now being distributed from Ekushey. Started coding the linkedin flake for pageflakes.

May 2007
Found something interesting which I thought was a bug in Reflection in PHP. As I started writing on reflection chapter of OOP with PHP, done some serious RnD on it. Got my Nusphere PHPEd 5.0 license. Afif got his first year done and we got a beautiful cake celebrating that event.

June 2007
One year passed since I became a Zend Certified Engineer but still not received my certificate. Was pretty pissed off for it. And an important month for my life too. I quit from Pageflakes after staying for one year with them. I quit from Somewherein as well after working 2yr and 3 months for them. I become a free man (you remember Gordon Freeman?).

July 2007
Joined Trippert Labs on 15th July which was the beginning of another new chapter. Started working on, their official site for travelers.

August 2007
Became 28 yrs old, he he. Spent some serious time refactoring and performance analysis of web applications. Was a very busy month in fact. Started working on Orchid.

September 2007
Started developing facebook applications. The real fun began. Deployed Holiday Gifts. Also got my citycell zoom working on linux.

October 2007
Spent some very busy time developing the facebook applications for Electronic Arts. Finished writing OOP with PHP.

November 2007
Got my new laptop Dell Inspiron 6400. Deployed NFS, our first application for EA which was a big hit.Started writing a book on Facebook.

December 2007
Setup the local office of Trippert Labs in Bangladesh. Orchid has been released in a preview state. Got my book (OOP with PHP5) published. Started developing new facebook Application. Fully migrated to Linux and Dropped my Windows Partition 😀

So Thats it – a lookback of “the storyteller” in 2007.

No more windows for me, seriously!

Thats it, I closed my windows, heh heh. Last night after an accidental formatting of a system partition messed everything up and I decided duh, no more windows. So I gave gutsy gibon a go and I must say that it’s simply awesome. Previously I was using Mandriva 2007 (Based on Mandrake) spring edition for last one year, and I was happy. But I wanted to try ubuntu a bit and I am happy, seriously.

But I have to download the latest ATI driver and install it to make my ATI Radeon X1400 card to work properly. Sound card didn’t create any problem.

I am running completely on Ubuntu now. I started my installation on 31st Dec 2007 at 11 PM and Finished configuring everything in today afternoon.

Bye Bye Windows.