Tag: photography

Surrealism, mists, lights and oh, a camera!

Photography is addictive when you are into it. When you want to learn to capture the moment properly, you have to dissolve into it. Yin and Yang – your body and mind are completely lost into composition, exposure and lights.

I was busy for last couple of weeks in learning new techniques to make my compositions better. Speedlites, strobes and most of all how to make it look good πŸ™‚ I failed, I tried again, I failed many times and I didn’t give up. So here I am going to share 5 photos I have taken recently. Enjoy!

This photo was taken in a software exhibition in Dhaka on their closing ceremony. There were lights, fire players and these laser beams. They were creating superb textures over smoke. Lovely!

city of lights
lights, let there be some more...
Have you watched the movie “City of Ember” – the old city lit with thousands of tungsten bulbs? That was a lovely movie I watched in last couple of months. The feeling was great. This picture of tungsten lights was taken in a local restaurant ta night. I had to keep shutter speed fast enough to remove the surrounding distractions, and properly capture the texture of their metal dishes.

portraits, oh portraits
Mirza Asif
Portraiture is my favorite topic, you probably already know that. This one was taken in a local tech event “phpXperts Devcon”. The hall room was big, moderately lit with ceiling chandeliers. So the speedlite with a fast lens gave a fantastic portrait. The fill light was perfect, and I just loved it!

Dark side of the Moon
Dark side of the moon
You remember that apollo 11 and it’s historic manned landing on lunar surface in 1969? You sure do. Be it a hoax or not, this picture all at a sudden made me feel how a alien planet surface may look like. With ongoing constructions nearby, slightly lit floodlight, massive construction and rays coming from inside is looks similar to a sci-fi movie scene to me. And the long shadows on surface added extra appeal πŸ™‚

When you lost all hopes, cant trust anyone and you are all alone, the solitary expression over your face is something that hits directly to your inside. This one, the solitude, some how shows me the same thing. The depression, the careless expression is priceless.

You can check out more in my flickr stream by clicking on any of those photos. I would love to see your comment. Enjoy!

A day full of fun with people, camera and flashes

A day full of fun with people, camera and flashes

I went to a friend’s wedding ceremony to cover it. Nothing makes a photographer more happy when he sees the nicely decorated stage and some open space to move back and forth. Because most Bangladeshi wedding takes place in large ballrooms rather than terrace and open spaces seen in western weddings.

As usual, I shot some light fitting during this event which is one of my all time favorite subjects to shot, people and of course the beautiful bride. Some brides are free, never talks and sits stiffly almost all the time, and some of them talks with other and that helps a lot to take some candid shots with natural expression.

I found this chandelier hanging from the roof of the stair-case and I was very happy to shot it from this angle. Lovely!
Persian Chandelier

This is my co-photographer Lavlu smiling with his Nikon D5000 with a YN-560 flash mounted on it. This is a very nice flash compared to it’s price. Works like a charm. This shot was taken with a 5D mark II and Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 lens.
Portrait of a friend

The smiling bride. This one is post processed using Aperture and “Big Aperture”.

Another shot of the bride, post processed using Aperture.

And finally, this one was taken at 2AM while me and Lavlu were categorizing our pictures after the wedding, I was testing my 70-200mm f/4 L and suddenly he looked upward to talk to me and I took this shot. Candids work superb for portraits, some time.
Portrait of a friend

You can check out more from my flickr stream by clicking on any of these photos above.

This week in photography

ঢরৎ ΰ¦šΰ§Œΰ¦§ΰ§ΰ¦°ΰ§€ (Sharat Chowdhury)

People, people, people – portraits, portraits and portraits. I love to shot people, close-up, happy face. I shot them in candid or while starring at me. The shot you are seeing above is taken with a Canon EOS 550D and Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR LD Aspherical lens. I love this lens, not only because it’s extremely sharp but also because it’s fast. It has f value 2.8 all through and that really helps in low light situation. I fired a Speedlite 580Ex II flash bounced on the roof with a diffuser. I was close enough to make the background disappear completely behind the person in this picture.

Here is another shot I took this evening, a running toddler. Nothing is tougher than capturing a 14-18 months toddler. They move a lot πŸ™‚

Portrait of a Toddler

I mainly shot at night, outdoor and on the street because after my fulltime job, I get some free time during those hours. Most of the time I carry a flash with me, or at least a fast 50mm (f/1.4) with me to take shots easily. And hell yeah, I love to shot distant lights in bokeh – I love Bokeh, a lot. And light fittings are one of my primary interest to shot during night. πŸ™‚



All the shots above were taken with Canon EOS 550d and my favorite Tamron lens, SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 . You can check more in my Flickr stream by clicking on any of these pictures. I would love to see your comment and some
of your beautiful night shots.

Some of my favorite black and white portraits

I love portraiture, to shot people with happy face. It’s one of my primary field of interest and I always try to learn how to better. Here are some of my favorite portraits in black and white taken in 2011, today πŸ™‚

1. NHm Tanveer Hasan Khan a.k.a CodeMan

2. Himel Nag Rana a.k.a NagBaba

3. Emran Hasan a.k.a phpfour

4. Mahmud Ahsan
Portrait of a friend

5. Raju Mazumder
Portrait of a friend

6. Guitarist from Sacrilegious
Sacred Soul.

7. Eftekhairul Islam rain
Rain - an old pal

8. Stephen Forte
Steve Forte

Some of my favorite shots taken during my trip to Nijhum Dip

Nijhum Dip (Translated: Island of Silence) is a very remote island in Bangladesh, full of natural scenes, fishermen, deers and forest. This is a fantastic place to spend some time, leaving everything behind. I am attaching some photos from my last trip to Nijhum Dip.

1. Destination Anywhere
Destination Anywhere

2. Fruit sellers in a boat
Floating Market

3. The Longest Journey
The longest journey

4. In Pursuance of Dream
In pursuance of dream

5. Isolation

6. Tidal Canal
Tidal canal

7. House of silence in a moonlit night, long exposure
House of Silence

Finally, I really missed one cool shot because I was on a running boat, and someone came just in front of my cam.

8. Fly away, messenger Missed Shot
Fly away, messenger!

And Last one, it’s always fun to capture other photographers in action.

Man at work!

You can check out more shots from my Flickr stream, by clicking any of the pictures above. πŸ™‚

Photos from my recent trip to Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Went to Rajshahi a week ago to take some shots in winter. I love this place and love to drive on the road to Rajshahi. It always feels like I am coming home. Here is a few shots from my last trip to Rajshahi

Bangladesh in winter
Bangladesh in Winter

Hindu Ritual: Guardian of the 200 years old temple playing the big snail
Hindu Ritual - Playing the Big Snail

This guys is in business for last 7 years in the same place on the street. All he sells is egg, mostly in winter. He sells different types of eggs, prepared with mustard oil, salt and onions. And he is one hell of a famous hot boiled egg seller in Rajshahi πŸ™‚
Eggs with mustard oil, onions and salt

In a glass shop in old town
Glasses, anyone?

Reserved Area
Reserved Area

Crossing the river
Crossing the River

This guy is most famous lemon tea maker in Rajshahi. He uses scented ripe lemons, extra sugar and light tea liquor to make it. And it tastes just awesome!
Lemon Tea Specialist

Mustard Flowers
Mustard flowers in a little piece of heaven

Rail track in a winter morning
Rail track in a winter morning

Tea Time
Its Tea time

Hybrid Racing
Hybrid Racing

Used my 5D mark II and 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM to take these shots. You can check out more photos in my flickr stream by clicking on any of the photos above. I would love to see your comments πŸ™‚

some weddings shots I took in 2011 :)

I love to cover wedding, not only because of the payment but also to see all those happy faces around. Its a blessing which you can really feel from inside. Here are a few shots from some wedding I covered in 2011

The Beautiful Smile

The Bride and Groom

The Bride

I see you.

Shadiii - The Premiere show, coming to the theaters near you very soon...

Bride and Groom 17/365

Hasan-Suchi Marriage Ceremony

Helen and Paris :)

You can see more in my flick stream by clicking on any of the pictures above. Would love to hear your comment.

Some of my favorite night shots I've taken in 2011

Somewhere out on mad horizon
Somewhere out on mad horizon 39/365

Speedlight [ E x p l o r e d ]

Capital of Hell
Capital of hell


The Journey Begins
The journey begins

Lonely Tree

Home Calling
Home calling

Used my Canon EOS 550D with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 and Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 Non VC for most of them. You can check more in my flickr stream (to do so, just click on any of those images). I would love to hear your comments.

Some photos from this week's photography

I take my camera with me almost everywhere I go to avoid missing any interesting moment. And these photos are taken this evening from Pizza Hut in Uttara, Dhaka – where I went to celebrate one of my friend’s upgrading to 5D mark II . Loved their decoration and food, will visit them again for sure.

Chicken BBQ Pizza
Chicken BBQ Pizza

Chicken BBQ Pizza with Stuffed Crust
One slice on my plate

Red Hot Chilli Pepper
Red Hot Chilli Pepper with the pizza, yummy!!!

Chicken bbq pizza with stuffed crust
Chicken Barbeque Pizza with Stuffed Crust

Serving Hot
Serving oven hot in this winter evening

I used my 5D mark II with 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM to shoot these items. Check out my flickr gallery (click on any of these photos to do so ) for more πŸ™‚

You can also purchase any of these photos from my SmugMug Gallery

Project 365

Happy Couple (1/365)lonesome reader.... (2/365)Strafe the Transformer (3/365)Cactus (4/365)I need your help... (5/365)

Project 365, a set on Flickr.

I’ve started my Projec 365. I will take at least one shot everyday for next 365 days and upload them whenever I come online.

The rule is simple, each photo must be taken on that very same day.