Little Afif

Little Afif with Papa

Afif is learning how to talk in alien language these days. He express many of his wishes using “gili-gili-gulu-gulu’ , ‘gggggiiiiiii’, ‘aoouuuu’ words. Everyday we talk for a long long time. Afif become very happy when his mom talks with him.

These days Afif sleeps sooner in my lap instead of his mom’s. So I got this duty unofficially. Afif also express his strong opinion to eat or ‘not to eat’ sometime just by trying to leap from her mom’s lap. He can now react with public expression. He get annoyed when someone tries to talk with him with same “Alien Language” that he speaks in. So we understand that he likes our “Bangla” to hear but he likes “Alien Lang.” much more to speak 😀

Afif’s mom took this picture week ago.